ObjectDB ObjectDB

ObjectDB Issue Tracking

31-40 of 419 threads (2,132 posts)Refresh
Table view does not work for queriesBug ReoprtNormalFixed2021-01-13
Hard it is to add a record with explorerFeature RequestNormalFixed2021-01-13
Object creation in the Explorer requires automatically set primary keysBug ReoprtNormalActive2021-01-13
Running the Activator requires Java 6 or above.Bug ReoprtNormalFixed2021-01-13
Explorer table viewBug ReoprtNormalFixed2021-01-04
date parameter not working (probably) in explorerBug ReoprtNormalFixed2020-12-28
combined index not usedBug ReoprtNormalFixed2020-11-10
Using SELECT BETWEEN with LocalDateBug ReoprtNormalFixed2020-11-09
[ObjectDB 2.8.3_01] Unexpected exception (Error 990)Bug ReoprtCriticalClosed2020-10-25
NullPointerException using with "refresh" methodBug ReoprtCriticalActive2020-09-29

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