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Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

limit being exceeded before the post attempt. =( ) I desire to have my persistent objects be cached ... [] and instruct ObjectDB to use soft reference for its Level One (L1) object data cache. I disable the L2 cache and use 1 MB for the ObjectDB Datastore page file cache with page file size of 64 KB

Cache usage

after a runtime of several weeks we are now analyzing the usage of the cache and so on. Looking at the heap dump we suspect that the cache is really used (see heap dump attached), the RAM allocated ... . The config is attached as well. The question is: is the cache really used ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg

Level 2 cache not hit in @ManyToOne

2 JPA cache is activated and it works ok for find by id (tested by changing data in explorer and reading in my app). Problem 1: find by id on Item it's good, it hits the cache, but not for its field ... my app). "user" should also be taken from L2 cache, shouldn't it? Otherwise...it's a huge performance

Is 2 level cache in use?

Hi, Is there any way to check, if 2 level cache is in use? Right now I've done two things: 1. objectdb.conf with cache size is placed in WEB-INF directory of my web application. 2. persistence.xml ... , so most of the data should be in cache. ODB and Tomcat are on different servers. lwalkowski Lukasz

Enforce Second Level cache

that is cached in 2nd level cache. so that if i request that entity again I will get actually ... on this (is it really the same object kept in cache).... Now the problem is that I need to have guarantee that this entity object is kept in cache all the time (there are not many of these entities

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

to give 256KB disk accesses and use PersistenceManager L1 ref=soft caching and datastore pagefile caching 1 MB (4 256KB sized pages). The goal is to have frequent PersistenceManager L1 cache hit, then less frequent datastore pagefile cache hit, then when absolutely necessary, read/write from

Distributed second level cache

Is it possible to configure the second level cache as distributed? The use-case: The object Person "John" is read on application node 1 and also on application node 2 to the second level caches ... cache on application node 1 has a correct data. The object Person is read from application node 2

Entity Management Settings

: <entities> <enhancement agent="true" reflection="warning" /> <cache ref="weak" level2="0mb ... . "force" - reflection is used even for enhanced classes (for troubleshooting). The <cache> element <cache ref="weak" level2="0mb" /> The <cache> element specifies settings of the two cache

ObjectDB Object Database Features

connections and timeout. Caching L1 entity object cache (per EntityManager). L2 shared entity data cache (per EntityManagerFactory). Database file page cache. Query program cache (for repeating queries with different arguments). Query result cache (for repeating queries with the same arguments

JQL-Update Queries fails with activated L2-Cache

a container the updated Entities. Scenario 1: Disabled L2 Cache, updating elements using UPDATE-Query ... database - Actual result: No changes are visble. Scenario 2: Disabled L2 Cache, updating elements using ... a mystery why ".clear()" has to be called. Scenario 3: Enabled L2 Cache, updating elements using UPDATE

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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