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Lazy Init / Eager / Join Fetch collection strategy ? What to choose ?

different. Is an "All eager strategy" more efficient that many join fetch ( cartesian product + distinct ... strategy" more efficient that many join fetch (cartesian product + distinct)? > So ... "Eager fetch

Updating Entities

(and is noted in the manual you linked) - objects within two separate EntityManagers are in fact distinct ... EntityManagers that contain a distinct Entity each: Employee and Paygrade. Paygrade must remain unique

First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

DISTINCT NEW com.arunta.base.db.DateExtensionDTO(r.startDate, r.toExtension) FROM RecordingMetaData AS ... = new ArrayList(); String qs = "SELECT DISTINCT NEW com.arunta.base.db

slow performance for a complex query

Hi, We have a query that is constructed dynamically, an example is like this: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1, Organisation $2, Organisation $3 WHERE ((UPPER($1.cdiId) LIKE 'THREAD14%') AND ((($1 ... follows: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1, Organisation $2, Organisation $3 WHERE (($1.id IN :cdiids

Multi-tenant capability with hierarchies

on how to access two different db files or how to distinct tenants in one file from one application? Thanks ... on how to access two different db files or how to distinct tenants in one file from one application

can removing an entity throw an exception if the entity is in use?

Entity? FastModel Ben Schreiber You can try something like: SELECT DISTINCT b FROM A a, B b ... if you are interested in references to a specified A instance the query is simpler: SELECT DISTINCT

EM close causes an exception

with 2 JVMs running the test case, you have 2 distinct tmp directories for the 2 JVMs (if possible, empty the root tmp directory before starting). Temporary directories should be distinct and locked

query hint

: SELECT DISTINCT o from ObjectNode o join o.properties p1 join o.properties p2 join o.properties p3 ... <ObjectNode>(); the query is: SELECT DISTINCT o from ObjectNode o join o.properties p1 join o.properties p2

ClassCastException in Tuple.get

.multiselect(joinDemand, rootDemandAnswer).distinct(true); cq.where( cb.equal ... .multiselect(joinDemand.alias("d"), rootDemandAnswer.alias("a")).distinct(true); //... Demand demand

JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections

EMPTY         List<A> list1 = em.createQuery(             "SELECT DISTINCT b.a FROM B b", A.class ... DISTINCT b.a FROM B b And the third query (which is based on the second query) is a workaround

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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