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Option or strategy to disable/skip runtime enhancement checks (to improve load time)?

-based compile-time enhancement applied to entity modules (only), so I know these checks ... time) ? webel Dr Darren Kelly Please provide more information about these checks, such as log messages or stack traces. support Support

First persist takes long time

We detected that the first Persist() of an entity take much longer than all subsequent calls. We have a small example (see Appendix) which outputs the following times: First transaction ... " /> Could you explain the long time for first persist? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Some operations

package.jdo validation error (Connection timed out)

: Connection timed out: connect NestedThrowables: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed

Post-compilation enhancement vs Automatic Run-time enhancement

We are getting massively different results on field loading between explicit post-compile enhancement and automatic run-time enhancement. Testing exactly where and when the results are different for our demo web app is a very time consuming task, and very difficult, it means testing literally 100s

Retrieve latest entry in a time-series

As mentioned elsewhere, subqueries are not currently supported. A subquery is the way that seems recommended to get only the latest entry in a time series (e.g. the latest time-clock entry for all employees). Is there an ObjectDB way to get the latest entry in a series? jshaffstall Jay Shaffstall

Issue with compile time enhancement

I have an entity library which I have integrated build time enhancement in. The enhancer reports it has processed all of my persistent classes. When I attempt to run a Bootstrap process with this library I get the error shown below. The entity referenced in the error (Terms) is listed as having

Group by date / time

implementations support these expressions (as an extension to JPA) - support of date/time methods


I get errors when trying to persist anything in java.time.* For example LocalDate, Month, Period. Will these be supported sometime in the future? scoobyrooster Jason Java 8 date and tome is not supported yet, except by serialization (which is not recommended and disabled by default

Open several objectdb databases the same time

one process at a time. The server mode is designed for accessing a database by several processes

several times a day queries take several minutes

take around 10 seconds but sometimes several times a day take around 3-10 minutes

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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