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Enhancer -s broken

Hi, after upgrading to ObjectDB 2.5.4_04 we noticed that the enhancer option -s is currently broken. According to your docs <java classname="com.objectdb.Enhancer" fork="true" classpath="c ... the enhancer to our ant build: <java classname="com.objectdb.Enhancer" fork="true" classpathref

a second mapping-file is ignored in persistence.xml by enhancer

Hello Support-Team, we have a problem with the enhancer. In the persistence.xml are two mapping ... > We start the enhancer and the entities of orm.xml will be enhanced by following output: enhancer: [java] [ObjectDB 2.6.0_02 Enhancer] [java] 3 persistable types have been enhanced

Enhancement API - NullPointerException

Hi! I am trying to use the Enhancement API from within my application like this: com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("my.package.Foo"); However, I get the following NullPointerException: [ObjectDB 2.7.1 ... .objectdb.Enhancer.enhance(Enhancer.java:69) at com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance(Enhancer.java:90

Enhancer problem

During development, I have used the enhancer API in a static block in the code that creates the EntityManagerFactory, ie. com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.*"); com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.comm.*"); com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance

How prevent post-compile enhancement of non entity classes

I have recently moved to post-compile enhancement (from automatic run-time enhancement) using ... the enhancer on entity files. For full project build the following works, by grouping entities ... /objectdb.jar"/> <target name="-post-compile"> <echo message="begin ObjectDB enhancer"/> <java

Custom Classloader: Issues with the Enhancer Agent

); }else{ throw new ClassNotFoundException(); } } } This works great without the Enhancer Agent ... my call to defineClass(), makes the enhancement to the class and loads the modified version in memory ... ()/findClass()/...) as part of the enhancement process, resulting in a recursive call to my custom

Tracking changes to new collections (in enhancement mode) after flush

? Does it happen with enhanced classes or in reflection mode? What ObjectDB version are you using ... our complex scenario with the same entity and uid the issue happens with enhanced classes, without enhanced classes all works correctly as expected currently we use ObjectDB version 2.8.0.b04 I

Unexpected exception when execute query without enhanced entities

ObjectDB 2.8.7.b08 Our entities are not enhanced and we execute a query "select max(uid) from ... > ... <enhancement agent="false" reflection="error" /> We got following exception after execution ... .java:760) I would expect an exception with a message like "the entities are not enhanced

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

So when we enhance the Account class, no changes are saved to it. When it is reflection mode ... that have not existed for ages. In enhancement mode, there are no exceptions. I can't figure ... logs for both the enhanced and unenhanced versions, and the objectdb.conf. -------------Update

Enhancement does not show an error message when an outdated license is used

2.8.7.b08 Accidentally we used an outdated ObjectDB license, if we enhance the entities. The entities were not enhanced in our jars. But the message from the enhancement tool com.objectdb.Enhancer shows that all entites are enhanced. Can you throw an error message, if the license is outdated? btc

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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