ObjectDB ObjectDB

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alter table

Hi: After a table built by real data, how to alter table structure, such as: alter table add column ... alter table add index ... TIA gzdillon Lai Yang There are no tables is ObjectDB. Anyway, > alter table add column ... This is automatic - just change your class (see Database Schema Evolution in

Insert a new entity class in a class hierarchy does not work

Hello, we have an entity class hierarchy and we want to insert a new entity in this hierarchy and our database must be automatically updated by schema evolution. Unfortunately it does not work, because the class hierarchy had already always existed and the "new" entity class needed

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.CMV

a missing value, maybe as a result of schema evolution or index definition changes Please provide relevant

Managing software release cycles.

Evolution Schema Update As you can see most schema changes are either fully automatic or can be defined by


evolution. The number 36 indicates type version number 36 (i.e. after 35 modification of some

NullpointerException at a normal select

code worked well before, it could be the result of a recent schema evolution. Particularly

ObjectDB 2.7.1

a bug in schema evolution of non entity class to entity class in multi level hierarchy.

ObjectDB 2.7.3

queries. Fixed a bug in schema evolution of indexes. Fixed a new false alarm of the Doctor, since 2

ObjectDB 2.0.0

through inverse (mapped by) fields. Fixed some bugs in automatic schema evolution. Fixed a Server

ObjectDB 2.1.0

objects with ordinary objects. Fixed a schema evolution bug when adding a new super entity class.

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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