ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Persist not working when ObjectDB and another db is used in the same application (through spring) with different tx managers

(through spring) with different tx managers, please find an example of this below. Any help is greatly ... ="entityManagerFactory" /> </bean> <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="txManager" /> <bean id ... ="entityManagerFactory" ref="emf"/>   </bean>   <!-- Use @Transaction annotations for managing

Deadlock, if two threads try to close an entity manager

Hello, we get into a deadlock, if two threads try to close an entity manager. The first thread try to close the entity manager factory which close all opened entity managers. The second thread is triggered by an event and try to close the entity manager after a database access. Both threads keep in

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

). These tables are the data from the backend of an antiquated source code/bug tracking management ... .CMVCSync.main(CMVCSync.java:61) awhawks Adam W. Hawks [2011-05-05 22:28:02 #132 query.manager ... > </groupPlan> </finalPlans> [2011-05-05 22:28:02 #138 query.manager] <newQueryProgram

Custom Transaction Manager

Hi, I am trying integrate ObjectDB and Quarkus Framework. Quarkus use Narayana/Arjuna transaction manager. ObjectDB doesn't allow me to configure custom JNDI name or Transaction Manager class ... library. However, regarding container managed (and automatic) transaction management, etc. ObjectDB

Mysterious "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance" error

.RollbackException Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed failing ... : Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed failing.Ostrich instance at com.objectdb.o ... a reference to a non managed failing.Ostrich instance at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d(MSG.java:61) at com

Attempt to refresh a non managed entity object (error 635)

.IllegalArgumentException Attempt to refresh a non managed entity object (error 635) Nothing changed in my code ... ) on a non managed entity object, i.e. a new entity object that has not been persisted yet, or ... , am noticing a few weird things in my tests, for example, managed, but objects surviving a rollback. Pretty

2.7.3_03 Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object"

key of a managed object", but my application is not trying to change the primary key. (ObjectDB log ... on an attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object. Older versions missed some checks that were added ... of this thread: Erroneous "Attempt to modify a primary key of a managed object" So I assumed

Embedding Managed Entities in Embedded Objects = bad idea

Discovered that you can't embed entities in embeddable objects if the entity is managed. Haven't tried embedding un-managed entities in embeddable objects, though I imagine that's not a great idea. The the error message isn't all that obvious (attempting to persist object which already has an id

Working with JPA Entity Objects

), which can represent physical objects in the database. Managing an ObjectDB Object Database using JPA ... : New, Managed, Removed and Detached. When an entity object is initially created its state is New. In ... the database. An entity object becomes Managed when it is persisted to the database

ODB-FileWriter holds unecessary entity reference after transaction and entity manager are closed

a transaction (including the entity manager) the ODB file writer still holds a reference to entities ... much memory, if we execute several transactions on the identical entity manager. Also triggering ... at the same time, each with own entitiy manager and open transaction holding a MyStepBlockCollection

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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