ObjectDB ObjectDB

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objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "objectdb.temp.no-enhancement-crc-check") vs. generic classes with interfaces: detailed investigation

activation code in objectdb.conf as needed. - Open in NetBeans8.1 and perform Clean and Build ... is performed in Main at: 61: protected void createProject(EntityManagerFactory emf) { log_info

locks on pure query activities

of ObjectDB, but it is unclear if this would improve the performance of your application, as apparently I/O ... "); (or using the -D JVM argument). It is unclear if this could improve performance of your application

Server vs embedded mode in multi-instance scenario

connections from multiple instances. But from what I can tell, there will be about a 50% performance drop ... otherwise, with such a big performance improvement for embedded mode, but maybe that has a limit

A bidirectional OneToOne association with a shared primary key

side, otherwise the association will not be created. Regarding performance, in many cases managing ... the performance advantage you mentioned, can you provide or point me to any concrete code example

Massive schema update

Hello, I need to rename/move a lot of classes in my project. I know how to do it with the <schema> configuration element, but it's a big database, and I guess that I am going to have a performance ... ? Thanks in advance. Best Regars, Pablo. Pablo Berra Pablo Berra The effect on performance of schema


, but how would this impact the performance, let's say when there are millions of products each with several multi ... , wouldn't that severely impact the performance? What would you suggest to do instead? Thanks a lot

Request clarification of changes to accessor enhancement policy (non-getter prefix instead of getter suffix) AND annotations

) the annotated ones. I am now going to have to perform a substantial migration in my main web app ... when I was using EclipseLink, I was using the setters to perform additional tasks such as additional

IMK Stall with certain query

<rdar://problem/16792073> - (imkxpc_deadKeyStateWithReply:) block performed very slowly (4.63 secs) i ... if you have many orders. Indexes on buyerId (if not the PK) and buyerName may improve performance. support

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

" field will also be ignored, and a full scan will be performed instead. Is there a reason why it's not ... indexes. support Support Update: Performance regression in build 2.8.9_01 (disabling indexes too aggressively) is fixed in build 2.8.9_02. support Support

RDBMS-ObjectDB Replication

for other purposes, but need better performance for specific tasks. For systems that already use JPA - this feature might enable using ObjectDB as a performance booster, with almost no need to write new

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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