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performance limit

Hi, can someone share expirience with performance limits of ObjectDB especialy when quering tables with large records sets. Our issue is with tables with 100.000+ records. Everything was OK when we had few thousand records. We have a simple SELECT statement which selects from a table with 100.000

Performance issue in a query due to internal calls visitRefs and visitKeyRefs

Hello, we have a question about a performance issue in a query. We executed a query on the following entity and there is only one entity in the database and we expects that the query is executed within 1 ms. SELECT v.sheetUID FROM TCVector But how you can see in the attached snapshot 'stacktrace

Performance issues on aggregate query

Performance issues on aggregate query

Low performance when getting grove roots

Low performance when getting grove roots

Performance of "InsertTest"

Performance of "InsertTest"

Help: After upgrading from 2.2.8_02 to 2.2.8_04, can't perform LIKE query

Help: After upgrading from 2.2.8_02 to 2.2.8_04, can't perform LIKE query

slow performance for a complex query

slow performance for a complex query

possible index required for improving query performance

possible index required for improving query performance

Performance issue with query

Performance issue with query

log entry and massive performance issues

log entry and massive performance issues

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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