ObjectDB ObjectDB

ObjectDB Issue Tracking

31-40 of 82 threads (279 posts)Refresh
Entity Version HistoryFeature RequestNormalActive2014-02-20
Enable intern() for Retrieved StringsFeature RequestNormalActive2014-01-05
user defined backup fileFeature RequestNormalClosed2013-11-21
Database File EncryptionFeature RequestNormalActive2013-11-04
Monitoring and Performance countersFeature RequestNormalActive2013-09-03
Automatic Switch to Replicated Server LimitationsFeature RequestNormalActive2013-05-29
No Entity Class APIFeature RequestNormalActive2013-05-06
auto-generated uuid fieldsFeature RequestNormalActive2013-04-11
Compare two schemas or odb filesFeature RequestNormalActive2013-02-13
JPQL support for Maps (JPA 2.0)Feature RequestNormalActive2013-02-08

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