ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Date field Index is corrupted due to time change

is very basic, simple (I guess): We create a 1G DB file when the application starts for the fist time ... (DefaultButtonModel.java:259)         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased ... ; import javax.jdo.annotations.Indices; import javax.persistence.Basic; import javax.persistence


- if invoked on a path that corresponds to a basic type IllegalArgumentException - if attribute


javax.persistence Annotation MapKeyClass Target: Fields (including property get methods) Specifies the type of the map key for associations of type java.util.Map. The map key can be a basic type, an embeddable class, or an entity. If the map is specified using Java generics, the MapKeyClass

Best practise loading big data

MyValue { @Basic boolean flag; @Basic String stringValue; } The number of MyStep elements ... { @Basic boolean flag; @Basic String stringValue; } btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Hello, sorry ... by eager / lazy setting. There may be other reasons. If you could post a simple basic test case


that corresponds to a basic type IllegalArgumentException - if attribute of the given name does not


javax.persistence Annotation MapKeyEnumerated Target: Fields (including property get methods) Specifies the enum type for a map key whose basic type is an enumerated type. The MapKeyEnumerated annotation can be applied to an element collection or relationship of type java.util.Map, in conjunction


attribute Throws: IllegalStateException - if invoked on a path that corresponds to a basic type


javax.persistence.metamodel Interface BasicType<X> Superinterfaces: Type<X> Instances of the type BasicType represent basic types (including temporal and enumerated types). Since: JPA 2.0 Class<X> getJavaType() Return the represented Java type. Return the represented Java type. Returns: Java type


on a path that corresponds to a basic type IllegalArgumentException - if attribute of the given name


Static Field javax.jdo.FetchGroup String MULTIVALUED For use with addCategory and removeCategory calls. This category includes members of all multi-valued types, including Collection, array, and Map types of basic and relationship types. Since: JDO 2.2

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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