ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Password in Embedded Mode?

Is there a way to setup a database file that will be accessed in embedded mode, such that it is locked with a password. Thereby making it impossible to use ObjectDB to access the contents of the file ... ) only in client-server mode. It seems that in embedded mode password protection would be useful

Embedded and autosync

of these boxes connecting to a shared remote RDBMS we want them to each have an embedded ObjectDB. Our question is will these 10 embedded objectDBs be in-sync. E.g.: If a user has logged into box 1 and creates

Failing in embedded mode, correct javax.persistance?

) The tutorial is supposed to run embedded. If the file given does not exist, it should be created ... , contents etc. Since I am running the program in embedded mode, this file should not be necessary

Adding multi part path index on non-embedable object member

Is there a way to add single member index on members of a object member which is not configured embedable but is/are mapped by id like the two members below. @Entity public class Customer ... { ... } There is a documentation says it works on embedded objects only. So since it reference only, what is suggested

objectdb embedded memory usage ?

hello , i m making some java application. I will have plan to use that db on java apps but is it possible to use for small embedded apps ? like small android devices or small lightweight java swing ... ObjectDB can be used as an embedded database in a Swing application, but currently not in

Embedded server feature

on it 2 web applications on Tomcat 1 ObjectDB Server deployed, in embedded server mode 2 ObjectDB databases for those 2 webapps, both would use the server in embedded mode for stellar performance

How to avoid NULL values on Embedded entities

Hi there. I'm new on this. trying to learn. I'm trying to make a value non nulleable. So, when I try to upload to the DB this field as null, it give me an error. I tried this, but it didn't work: public class Pedido { @Id @GeneratedValue private long id; @Embedded private Direccion origen

LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results

First of all, thank you for promptly implementing JOIN FETCH over nested paths in response to my inquiry a few months ago. However, I have run into one problem: if an embedded collection is empty, but I attempt to LEFT JOIN FETCH all the members of a collection within a (non-existent) member

NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

I have an entity that looks like this: class User {     @embedded private Profile profile;     ... } After running something like this:     User user = entityManager.createQuery("select......     entityManager.detach(user);     user.getProfile().setDescription("Something... I

Database Server

of TCP/IP communication between the client and the server it is usually slower than embedded mode. In embedded mode, ObjectDB is integrated as a library and runs within the application process, which is much more efficient. As a result, embedded mode should be preferred when possible. For example

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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