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process A get the optimistic lock exception. ie: the version number does not appear ... if locking version-check is set false? are the changes from process B lost if process A subsequently commits ... at the end transaction. Yes, if A holds an older version of that object. Yes. It depends

Unable to create 128 column of a table.

you. Manoj Manoj Kumar Maharana The stack trace does not match the reported version (2.8.3). Please double check which version/build you use. In addition, you should also try the most recent version (2.8.8) and provide the generated stack trace using that version, if the exception is thrown. support

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

further version. Can you implement it that ObjectDB used temporary files? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems ... , still allocates a lot of memory. For us it would be very helpful if we can get an evaluation version, in ... ", "true");' and with JVM Param '-Dobjectdb.temp.page-file=true'. ObjectDB version ObjectDB 2.6.3_04

Can't open DB-file with explorer, but from within my code it works

Hi, The problem occured since an update from my old-version (2.4.7_08) to the new version(2.4.7_18): 1) my recent db-file, created with the old-version, has been copied to the local db-folder of the new version automatically 2) But I can't open the db-file with the objectDB explorer

Enum fields are set to null and embeddable enum class does not show in explorer

I switched to version 2.8.2 and now it seems that my enum types are not recognized and the field in ... (but different package)? itsme Martin Petzold I checked version control. The entity class ... what is happening. The test case passes for both versions (2.7.4.b03 and 2.8.2), however, when I open

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

we update to the latest version from 2.7.6. Now we have the problem that we have numerous logs ... since version 2.7.6 that could possibly effect query execution. Could you please explain or post some ... . support Support currently we have no chance to really test that with all the sub versions

Issue with UPPER ?

. support Support hi, Will this be fixed or kept in future versions? We've been forced to switch to major (aka no *_x) versions only.. Btw -> it'd be great if you could extend the description in your change list of the various versions, i.e. writing what effects a fix

Page cache File handling produced an java.io.IOException: Negative seek offset

transactions. Version 2.6.7 should fix this bug. support Support Version 2.6.7 don't fix the bug ... Also Version 2.6.7_1 don't fix the bug: Exception in thread "Thread-174" [ObjectDB 2.6.7_01] Unexpected ... that demonstrates the exception it may accelerate solving this bug. support Support Exception with version 2

Unexpected Exception (Error 990) with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

(); } } } dja Daniel Jahn Some Notes to the Bug: I used the 2.7 version previously I ... and its history? Was it always defined as an entity class? You wrote that you used version 2.7 before but it is unclear if the issue is new to this version. If you use version 2.7, does it work

Internal error

to be releasing a trial version of this product in a few weeks, at which point we will be wanting ... that start with: "Unexpected state in removeEntityTracker" support Support New version of objectdb installed ... of the internal error: I have a complex project, and I discovered that two different versions

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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