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ObjectDB Enincompatible with Quarkus?

that runs fine without enhancement but fails after classes are enhanced, see trace below. This line near ... : it seems that ObjectDB's enhancer adds __ to methods, which is incompatible with Quarkus's GraphQL ... of the "__" prefix, ObjectDB just uses its own corner with several enhanced methods that start with "__odb

Determining if Persistable Classes Have Trial Limitation

was that the Enhancer would not Enhance or sign the specified persistable classes without a valid key ... below which would seem to indicate success (classes not affected by trial limitations): [ObjectDB 2.7.6 Enhancer] 7 persistable types have been enhance How can I tell if a build does NOT occur with a valid key

Spring MVC Errors

configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:java (execution: enhance, phase: process ... > <id>enhance</id> <phase>process-classes</phase> <goals> <goal>java</goal> </goals> <configuration> <mainClass>com.objectdb.Enhancer</mainClass

javax.servlet.ServletException: Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. __odbHidden_getPropertyName

handles __odbHidden_getWidthPxSideBarLeft. webel Dr Darren Kelly The ObjectDB Enhancer modifies ... the Enhancer has to move the annotations to the proxy methods, but that would be more difficult ... and the old jar is not anywhere in the classpath. You are not using classes that have been enhanced by

Unexpected Exception during commit

to enhance I get: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.objectdb.o.CFG.t(CFG.java:272 ... ) at com.objectdb.o.JEN.<init>(JEN.java:59) at com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance(Enhancer.java:66) at com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance(Enhancer.java:87) at com.fastmodel.fastplan.db


identity; newObjectIdInstance(Class, Object) should be used instead. If the class has been enhanced


into this instance. This method is not modified by the enhancer. Derived fields should be initialized


(Class, Object) should be used instead. If the class has been enhanced for datastore identity, or


Method javax.jdo.listener.StoreCallback void jdoPreStore() Called before the values are stored from this instance to the data store. Data store fields that might have been affected by modified non-persistent fields should be updated in this method. This method is modified by the enhancer


Method javax.jdo.listener.LoadCallback void jdoPostLoad() Called after the values are loaded from the data store into this instance. This method is not modified by the enhancer. Derived fields should be initialized in this method. The context in which this call is made does not allow access to other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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