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of the expression Returns: new expression of the given type Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join ... for the target of the join Returns: the resulting fetch join Throws: IllegalArgumentException


expression of the given type Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using ... : the resulting fetch join Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if attribute of the given name does


Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute for the target of the join Returns: the resulting fetch join Throws


of the expression Returns: new expression of the given type Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join ... for the target of the join Returns: the resulting fetch join Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if attribute


- intended type of the expression Returns: new expression of the given type Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Parameters: attributeName - name


: expression corresponding to the map entry Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join to the specified ... of the join Returns: the resulting fetch join Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if attribute of the given

JPA Entity Fields

.ALL) MyEntity field2; @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) List<MyEntity> field3; } The entity ... . Cascade and fetch settings are explained in chapter 3. A persistent field whose type is embeddable

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

ObjectDB. "objectdb.result-fetch" - sets fetch mode for query result as either "EAGER" (the default) or

Criteria Query From Elements

Fetch Elements Join Fetch is managed in criteria queries by the following interfaces: See the FROM in Criteria Queries section for more details and an example.


) Fetch one field from the field manager. Fetch one field from the field manager. This field ... fetchByteField(int fieldNumber) Fetch one field from the field manager. Fetch one field from the field manager ... .0 char fetchCharField(int fieldNumber) Fetch one field from the field manager. Fetch one field from

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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