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which may function as the parent of Fetches. Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName) Create ... name does not exist Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch(String attributeName, JoinType jt) Create a fetch ... - if attribute of the given name does not exist Since: JPA 2.0 Fetch<X,Y> fetch( PluralAttribute<?,?,Y


transaction, if one is active, will be marked for rollback. Since: JPA 2.0 PessimisticLockException ... PessimisticLockException exception with null as its detail message. Since: JPA 2.0 ... . Parameters: message - the detail message. Since: JPA 2.0 PessimisticLockException(Object entity) Constructs


expression. Returns: coalesce expression Since: JPA 2.0 Selection<X> alias(String name) Assigns an alias ... Since: JPA 2.0 String getAlias() Return the alias assigned to the tuple element or null, if no alias ... has been assigned. Returns: alias Since: JPA 2.0 List< Selection<?>> getCompoundSelectionItems() Return


"), inverseJoinColumns= @JoinColumn(name="PHONE_ID", referencedColumnName="ID") ) Since: JPA 1.0 ... ) The catalog of the table. Defaults to the default catalog. Default value: "" Since: JPA 1.0 JoinColumn ... : {} Since: JPA 1.0 JoinColumn[] joinColumns (Optional) The foreign key columns of the join table


cascade=ALL is equivalent to cascade={PERSIST, MERGE, REMOVE, REFRESH, DETACH}. Since: JPA 1.0 CascadeType ALL Cascade all operations Cascade all operations Since: JPA 1.0 CascadeType DETACH Cascade detach operation Cascade detach operation Since: JPA 2.0 CascadeType MERGE Cascade merge operation


entities in the persistence unit. Since: JPA 2.0 EmbeddableType<X> embeddable(Class<X> cls) Return ... Since: JPA 2.0 EntityType<X> entity(Class<X> cls) Return the metamodel entity type representing ... an entity Since: JPA 2.0 Set< EmbeddableType<?>> getEmbeddables() Return the metamodel embeddable types


") Employee assignedTo; ... } Since: JPA 1.0 Post comment by ObjectDB CascadeType ... are cascaded. Default value: {} Since: JPA 1.0 FetchType fetch (Optional) Whether the association ... provider runtime. Default value: javax.persistence.FetchType.EAGER Since: JPA 1.0 String mappedBy


parameter objects. Since: JPA 2.0 See Also: Query TypedQuery Learn how to define and use JPA/JPQL queries in Chapter 4 of the ObjectDB/JPA manual. String getName() Return the parameter name, or null ... Since: JPA 2.0 Class<T> getParameterType() Return the Java type of the parameter. Return the Java type


the result of javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo.getSharedCacheMode(). Since: JPA 2.0 ... -related state and data are cached. Since: JPA 2.0 SharedCacheMode DISABLE_SELECTIVE Caching is enabled ... ) is specified are not cached. Since: JPA 2.0 SharedCacheMode ENABLE_SELECTIVE Caching is enabled


, Comparable<GenerationType> Defines the types of primary key generation strategies. Since: JPA 1.0 ... /JPA manual. GenerationType AUTO Indicates that the persistence provider should pick an appropriate ... resource at runtime. Since: JPA 1.0 GenerationType IDENTITY Indicates that the persistence provider

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