ObjectDB ObjectDB

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General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

),(toLower(v$1.localReferanceNo)=:q),(toLower(c.phn)=:q)),(c.retired=false),(c.person join v$1))"> <step ... > <filterPlan complexity="15.8546" eval="4.95/6.30" filter="(c.person join v$1)"> <filterPlan ... ="4.95/6.30" filter="(c.person join v$1)"> <filterPlan complexity="15.8334" eval="4.93/6.30" filter


Method javax.persistence.criteria.From CollectionJoin<X,Y> joinCollection( String attributeName ) Create an inner join to the specified Collection-valued attribute. Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute for the target of the join Returns: the resulting join Throws


table of the owning entity, or inverse entity if the join is part of the inverse join definition ... the collection. Default (only applies if single join column is being used): The same name as


when it results from a get or join operation and the query result type is specified. For example ... (Product.class); q2.select(q2.from(Order.class) .join("items") .join("product")); Parameters: selection - selection specifying the item that is to be returned

Issue with UPPER ?

COUNT($1) FROM com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.mitgliedschaft $2 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $3 LEFT JOIN $3.organisation $4 LEFT JOIN $1.postalAddresses $5 LEFT JOIN $1 ... .Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.mitgliedschaft $2 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $3 LEFT JOIN $3.organisation $4 LEFT


See Also: JoinColumn JoinColumn[] value The join columns that map the relationship. The join columns that map the relationship. Since: JPA 1.0


in join tables will be locked if the javax.persistence.lock.scope property is specified ... collection generally locks only the rows in the join table or collection table for that relationship or


to the non-collection-valued persistent state of that instance. If a joined inheritance strategy ... contain the foreign key (such as relationships that are mapped to join tables or unidirectional


2.0 See Also: MapKeyJoinColumn MapKeyJoinColumn[] value (Required) The map key join columns that are used to map to the entity that is the map key. (Required) The map key join columns that are used


_JOINED_TABLE_PER_CLASS "javax.jdo.option.mapping.JoinedTablePerClass" "javax.jdo.option.mapping ... _MAPPING_JOINED_TABLE_PER_CONCRETE_CLASS "javax.jdo.option.mapping.JoinedTablePerConcreteClass" "javax ... .supportedOptions() String OPTION_MAPPING_NON_JOINED_TABLE_PER_CONCRETE_CLASS "javax.jdo.option.mapping

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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