ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Date field Index is corrupted due to time change

the following issues: root@localhost totalrecall]# ./dbDoctor.sh db/SystemDB.odb db/SystemDB.odb.rpmnew ... running it on the DB file. We get: [root@localhost totalrecall]# ./dbDoctor.sh db/SystemDB.odb.2.6.5 ... that demonstrates the problem. We run it on a Linux machine with ObjectDB 2.6.5 and AEDT time zone: [root@trvr

IN expression in a Criteria Query

is with Criteria Language. This code: In<Employee> inExpression = cb.in(root.get(Computer ... .getCriteriaBuilder();         CriteriaQuery<MyEntity> q = cb.createQuery(MyEntity.class);         Root<MyEntity> root = q.from(MyEntity.class);         Path<String> value = root.get("str");         Predicate

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

); CriteriaQuery<String> actionDescriptionCriteriaQuery = cb.createQuery(String.class); Root<Action> root = cq.from(Action.class); Selection[] selections = new Selection[profiles.length+1]; Selection<String> actionDescriptionSelection = actionDescriptionCriteriaQuery.select(root

Spring + Maven + persitence.xml

(HttpServlet.java:621) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:722) root cause org ... .java:722) root cause com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected Server Error com.objectdb.o ... (HttpServlet.java:722) root cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/spi

Connecting to a remote objectdb server

) for the database root directory. See this manual page. support Support I've tried your suggestion already. Isn't that objectdb should create the db files on the root folder of server? I do not ... had notice that everytime I run my app, it created db folder on application root folder and create *.tmp

How to convert a boolean to an int in the query?

.createQuery(Integer.class);         Root<City> c = q.from(City.class);         Path<Boolean ... ); Root<Person> c = q.from(Person.class); Path<Boolean> boolApproveEmail = c ... .class); Root<Person> c = q.from(Person.class); Path<Boolean> boolApproveEmail = c

How to add minutes to a Date with JPA2

= currentTime.getTime(); Expression<Date> dateCapture = root.get(Counter_.dateCapture); Expression<Integer> samplingPeriod = root.get(Counter_.samplingPeriod); Expression<Integer> delayMinutes = cb ... > samplingPeriod = root.get(Counter_.samplingPeriod); Expression<Integer> delayMinute  = cb.prod

Logical "or" works not correcly when field is @Id and first position

);         Root<Data> root = query.from(Data.class);         query.select(root);         query.where((builder.or(             builder.equal(root.get("a"), "1"),             builder.like(root

Weird issue with variable naming

us without ordering. The issue is that the name of the root variable is $1 as well as the name ... javax.persistence.criteria.Root; public final class F329 { public static void main(String[] args ... (Tuple.class);   final Root<?> from = cq.from(MyEntity.class);   final Join<?, ?> join2 = from.join

Freeze during save

. The structure is new, and it's a tree. The loops consisted of references to the root of the tree. I have managed to code around the problem, by removing the references to the tree root ... (); MyNode root = new MyNode(null); MyNode child = new MyNode(root); MyNode grandchild

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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