ObjectDB ObjectDB

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can't get HashMap out of the database

ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(                 new String[] { "spring-servlet.xml ... ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(             new String[] { "spring-servlet.xml" });     guestDao = context

Custom Transaction Manager

. It can also work with Spring and Spring boots. Other, possibly partial implementations of Java EE

Eclipse - Maven - Dependencies not getting automatically reflected

I have installed Java 1.7 Eclipse Juno From Eclipse Market place have installed - Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP (a.k.a m2e-wtp), m2e-apt, Spring IDE, The Spring Tool Suite™ (STS) Have defined M2_HOME as directory where Maven is installed. PATH updated as %M2_HOME%/bin I am working on Windows XP

What are the steps of creating small web app?

need Hibernate for this project, Do I really need Spring MVC for this project. - What is best hosting

Exception on creation when running multithreaded

with the specific bits. The Acls part is an Objectdb(JPA) implementation for the spring security domain acls

Is it possible to using JDO and distributed transaction?

I'am new to study JDO. Can and How I use JDO an distributed transaction?(multiple database)。 Is ObjectDB also provided JCA util just like DataNucleus? Reference: Spring Framework Reference Documentation JCA, JTA, and JDO Transactions - Using and Understanding Java Data Objects JDO : Usage

Update entity without first opening a transaction

transactions for updating the content of a database. But if you use Java EE or Spring, the container may manage the transactions automatically. support Support

Object DB Explorer fails to open database

Hello, I am trying to integrate Object DB into my tapestry project which will use spring-security. I have created an entity class named "Role" which implements springs "GrantedAuthority" interface. The code runs fine. i.e. Role objects are getting persisted in the database. But when I try to open

ObjectDB 2.0.4

Added support for JTA and Java EE Containers (issue #8). Fixed a bug in indexing entity objects. Fixed a bug in fixing broken references in ObjectDB Doctor. Fixed a bug in modifying enhanced detached embedded objects. Fixed a spring transformer (LoadTimeWeaver) problem. Fixed a class loader issue

ObjectDB 2.0.5

Fixed Java Agent / Java EE / Spring enhancement bug. Fixed a bug in merging detached entity objects. Fixed unexpected NullPointerException in client server mode. Fixed an exception in AVG query on non numeric values (issue #107). Fixed a bug in handling JOIN queries with primary key fields.

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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