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Efficient query on EmbeddedId

which they were declared. In this case, can I just declare an additional index on entitiy.id.field2 in the entity class as ... ). You can not use these fields in additional indexes that you define. Only non ID fields

Extra uninitialised entities spawned on merge()

of 'root', then merge 'root', the output shows a number of additional persistent entities ... to correctly persist the related Example entity cleanly and why these additional entities arise

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

operations (while "visiting" the loaded managed entity) to load and fetch desired values. In addition ... addition, instead of a system property you can now set the output path in the configuration (objectdb

Unexpected internal exception during set field of an Embeddable to null

. Could you please check for additional stack trace in the log file? You should be able to enhance each ... for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in EMT.beforeModifyMember() and throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with some additional

How to use ObjectDB properly in spring boot application?

modified pom modified Application.java file and run it abdullaharslan abdullah arslan Additional note ... > This is strange, as H2 will not be used, but it is an easy workaround. > Additional note

in-memory and on-disk support?

database, with a large memory cache. In addition, the operating system usually uses free physical ... for space allocation later is a small additional advantage. It will only help query performance

server.exe on 32bit and 64bit Windows

is available - they fail. Your workaround is good. You may also try installing win32 JVM in addition ... ? Which operating system do you use? In addition, according to winrun4j documentation you may specify the path

ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException

Additional Update: Sometimes we get still the Nullpointer (IXM.java:322) and then it happens again that we run into a dead lock Maybe the additional picures of the thread states can help: btc_es BTC

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflection

(after 2.6.3_04). In addition, as noted above, most ObjectDB users do not use property access ... (and different ObjectDB log) if I also (in addition to the post-compile enhancement) have run-time javaagent

Query fails with failed to read

the system log for activity at the time of this exception. In addition, you wrote ... addition to the extended logging also a small change of accessing database for reading using read

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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