ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Unable to persist TreeMap

available in the classpath. support Support Build 2.5.1_02 should fix most cases. Adding the classes

find() delay

. Otherwise the "mapped by" side will only be available when the object that contains that "mapped by" (inverse) field

What is the query to fetch all schema list of my database?

Can you please tell me how to fetch all schema available in my database? Deepak_1996 Deepak Kumar Maharana You can use the JPA metamodel API. support Support

Is there a way to extract the schema from an existing Database?

Hi ObjectDB, Is there a way to extract the schema from an existing Database? i.e. without using my class files Thanks EKK EKK Emmanuel Keskes The schema is available for viewing in the Explorer. You may use the JPA Metamodel API to extract it using your own code. support Support

Spring Data JPA

and password will be used if available. support Support Sorry for the wrong post. Everything works fine now. Seems that maven had cached some old jar. mosi0815 Ralph Moser

Query only works correctly when debug printing results

behaviour. You should make data available before entity objects are detached. See also this forum threads

Method not found on...

to support user defined methods (such as hasAlias) the relevant code (class files) must be available for the server in its classpath. support Support

can't get HashMap out of the database

that have already been loaded are available, unless you use a Container-managed Extended Persistence Context, as discussed

Dont want to use Proxy Class

images the expectation is that all the necessary classes will be available at build time

Error 990 when querying a class with persistence-capable-superclass

exception. You may find more information in the log file. If you can make your application available

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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