ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Using the wrong class to access a database

; // imports public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { run(); } static void run() { System.out.println("Test 1"); System.out.println("Point.class: " + Point.class ... Point p", Point.class); List<Point> results = query.getResultList(); System.out.println

Problem to use find method on an abstract Class: AbstractMethodError is thrown

mentioning LogicalObject I get AbstractMethodError Please see services.Tester class with the 2 options ... .datasources] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 27) JBAS010403: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class org.h2 ... $$$view3.test(Unknown Source) [classes:] at services.PaltzefomatServlet.doPost(PaltzefomatServlet.java:46

query on calendar class

Hello! I'm looking for help to build query on calendar class. I need to get objects where Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK is FRIDAY or any other. My class: @Entity public class Cdr {     private static ... .createQuery("SELECT c FROM Cdr c where c.start.DAY_OF_WEEK = ?1",Cdr.class); query.setParameter(1

Field not persisted in abstract class with two level of nesting

Hi, I have a field (embedded TZ1) which is not persisted in class MHD1 (TZ1 extends AS and AS ... public class MHD1 implements Serializable{     private TZ1 timezone;     public MHD1 ... ; @Embeddable public class TZ1  extends AS<TZ1>{     TZ1() {     }         public TZ1(String v

Dont want to use Proxy Class

proxy classes may affect the app behaviour. I have been trying to understand root cause but I could not ... method ACL class which is triggerd by i method of STL class. I think the byte array for the extended ArrayList class could not be properly created. I have not tried newer versions yet but I think

com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ... is not found, for a class that's already been enhanced successfully.

to implement Enhancement (because the log always says that the classes are not enhanced). The main class starts like this, and does not reference any persistent classes directly. static void main(String ... .class.getClassLoader()); Here is the output, it seems like the above code does manage to enhance

References to objects of missing obsolete entity classes

are in the database but their classes have been deleted or missing? This is abnormal state ... a dummy (enhanced) entity class in your project for that obsolete entity class. support Support ... itself, is it correct that the objects are in the database but their classes have been deleted or missing

Super class' field access fails

I have a base class: public abstract class HotObject extends BaseObject { private Integer ... ; } } And I have an inherited class: @Entity public class HotTag extends HotObject implements ... .createQuery("SELECT t FROM HotTag t ORDER BY t.activity DESC", HotTag.class); I get the exception

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

So when we enhance the Account class, no changes are saved to it. When it is reflection mode, everything works perfectly. In reflection mode, the objectdb log on debug mode refers to classes ... out how ObjectDB is holding on to the old classes, as they have not existed for months. I've tried running

No Entity Class API

Both JPA and JDO are based on accessing and managing data in the database using persistable classes (mainly entity classes in JPA or persistence capable classes in JDO). Usually, this is very convenient. Sometimes, however, it might be useful to access data without user defined persistable classes

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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