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Queries are slow on a large database

have to be retrieved. For diagnosis please try the same query without the ORDER BY clause. A composite ... and the performances are much better. I will try composite index later. However there is one thing I haven't ... the database file is not sufficient. In addition, consider using composite indexes as suggested in #2

possible index required for improving query performance

index). Notice that a composite index can be used as a single index of the first element ... of elements in a composite index makes a difference. support Support Hi, I've been actually dealing ... ? In this scenario we have a composite index on 2 fields and a single index on one of them. Which index

Broken @ManyToOne reference

version. Two notes: 1. For a composite key an instance of the target class may be used. At least it works ... valid in JPA and may be a Hibernate extension. You should use an ID class to represent composite ... ).hasSingleIdAttribute()); prints true, which is not the case since the Child class ID is a composite. Regards

java.lang.NullPointerException when using ORDER BY

.java:91) prolancer Emil Andonov This may be related to your other report, i.e. using the composite ... ' AND r.callDirection == 0)) Both mapToCli and callDirection are part of composite indices. mapToCli ... ) composite indices. Is it a rule that we must use fields that are part of an index in the ORDER BY

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.CMV

It seems that the query is executed using a composite index on the mapFromCli field. Could you please provide details on composite indexes that include that field? Unexpectedly, one of the values in ... the exact cause. support Support The mapFormCli filed is a member of a number of composite indices

More Efficient Primary Keys

. We already need the key before the entities are persisted so that we can build even references. a) Composite ... engine. In both cases it is a composite primary key with the same size and structure. (b) requires ... if a composite of two longs can produce any performance gain over a single string. support Support

Efficient query on EmbeddedId

.field1 and entity.id.field2 form a composite index together, in the order in ... , which has a similar effect of defining a composite index on ordinary non ID fields (although not exactly the same ... , that a query on field2 may be slower than a query on the second field (non ID) in an ordinary composite index

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

are not used for the 2 field query and a full scan is used instead. Unless of course you have a composite ... a composite index. This bug was probably always there unreported, as collections of embedded objects are not used very frequently, and when used, composite indexes are the natural first choice

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

objects. This requires a fix, but meanwhile, adding a composite index can solve the problem: @Entity ... the composite index (instead of scanning the entire index). Composite indexes with different ASC / DESC

ObjectDB 2.3.1

a ClassCastException in using a composite index in queries (issue #521). Fixed handling derived Id fields in composite PK embedded IDs. Fixed default ObjectDB home path ($objectdb) in NetBeans RCP. Fixed

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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