ObjectDB ObjectDB

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objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "objectdb.temp.no-enhancement-crc-check") vs. generic classes with interfaces: detailed investigation

and tracking in a CMS web system. - I have used both a console test app and a NetBeans web app in Glassfish; the initial report is limited to the console app, as the web app introduces some other factors (especially concerning the Ant build). - The NetBeans project for the console app uses a post

Glassfish and ObjectDB 2.4.3

, Browser, etc.). In addition, check if there are exceptions in the console or in the server log. support ... Framework 1.9.46 started in: 1ms - bound to [] INFO: The Admin Console ... INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.46 started in: 6ms - bound to [] INFO: The Admin Console

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

is printed in the console, open ObjectDB Explorer, modify an entity's type from GOOD to BAD, save ... . If you need an immediate solution, please isolate the issue further into a simple minimal console ... almost every issue with a simple console application. If this is not possible, you may create an issue

How to disable use of graphic windows by objectDB

: java -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server run -console support Support It worked! But now i can't ... the following in another console window should stop the server: java -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Server stop support Support No it didn't, the process is still running! Here is what i got from my console

Performance problem

on the production server from JBoss. The test database on the production server from a simple console test program. The production database on the production server from a simple console test program ... . Results from console program reveal some other interesting facts The test database on the production

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

). Can you provide a simple test case that demonstrates the issue, i.e. a console application with your entity ... the following code on your computer (e.g. as a simple console application):     Enumeration e ... you run the code at #12 above? can you try it in a simple console application to check if the problem

Database Server

-silent : avoid printing messages to the standard output -console : avoid showing

LAZY @ManyToOne field functions as EAGER

to console a lazy @ManyToOne field after the entity manager closes. There is a switch DO_VIEW_BEFORE_CLOSE ... as @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) ? package com.greensoft.objectdb.test.console; import javax ... TestLazyManyToOne {         /**      * If true the console view of the fields of the entities

Remove a modified entity cause an optimistic lock exception

. Thanks for writing a minimal Java console test case. However, since it behaves differently ... . Committing the changes. The console application is the same but without the flush. Accordingly the following console application includes flush before remove and throws an OptimisticLockException

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflection

console app for NetBeans8.1 provided, as explained below). To reproduce download the app and unpack ... /GreensoftObjectdbTestNoweb.2016-08-15.GS4230.tgz com.greensoft.objectdb.test.console.Main ... .objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit(EMImpl.java:290) at com.greensoft.objectdb.test.console.Main

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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