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Storing JPA Entity Objects

. Therefore, holding 1,000,000 managed Point instances in the persistence context might consume too much memory. The sample code above clears the persistence context after every 10,000 persists. Updates

Detached Entity Objects

The following operations clear the entire EntityManager's persistence context and detach all managed ... method, which clears an EntityManager's persistence context. Rolling back a transaction - either by

Entity Management Settings

the persistence context of the EntityManager (which serves as a first level cache). The valid values ... the persistence context (until commit or flush), regardless of this setting. The level2 attribute specifies

JPA Criteria API Queries

, including in the context of string based JPQL queries. Criteria Query Expressions JPA query clauses ... that describe expressions in general, including in the context of string based JPQL queries.

Database Explorer

that has to be set. The functionality of the Edit > Delete command depends on the context. Deleting ... by right clicking one of its instances in the viewer window (Table or Tree) and using the [Set View] context menu command.

JPA Annotations for Callback Methods

The following annotations can mark methods as JPA callback methods: The Lifecycle Events section of the ObjectDB Manual explains how to use all these annotations on callback methods and with listener classes.

Server Configuration

is listening for new connections. Usually the default port 6136 should be specified. If another port

Database Replication and Clustering

to connect to the master server in order to listen to updates. The updates are automatically


Method javax.jdo.listener.StoreCallback void jdoPreStore() Called before the values are stored from this instance to the data store. Data store fields that might have been affected by modified non ... so that changes to persistent fields will be reflected in the data store. The context in


Method javax.jdo.listener.LoadCallback void jdoPostLoad() Called after the values are loaded from the data store into this instance. This method is not modified by the enhancer. Derived fields should be initialized in this method. The context in which this call is made does not allow access to other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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