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JPA Criteria API Queries

are equivalent). In the example above a CriteriaQuery instance is created for representing the built query. Then a Root instance is created to define a range variable in the FROM clause. Finally ... .get("population"), p)); The ParameterExpression instance, p, is created to represent the query


: new expression of the given type Since: JPA 2.0 Root<Y> correlate( Root<Y> parentRoot) Create a subquery root correlated to a root of the enclosing query. Create a subquery root correlated to a root ... root Since: JPA 2.0 Join<X,Y> correlate( Join<X,Y> parentJoin) Create a subquery join object

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

when using client-server mode. ObjectDB/JPA Data Source To create an ObjectDB data source: Open the [New ... Sets and JPQL To create the data set: Open the [New Data Set] dialog box by right clicking the Data

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

for building these expressions, as shown in the following examples: // Create String path ... = cb.parameter(String.class); // Create Integer path and parameter expressions: Expression

Report Generation with BIRT and JPA

This tutorial demonstrates how to create reports based on data in an ObjectDB database using the popular open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT). In order to keep things as ... = x: (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), ..., (999, 999) The BIRT report that we will create will be based

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

name (case sensitive). Enter Point as the class name (case sensitive). Click Finish to create the new class. Copy and paste the following code into the newly created Point class: package tutorial

Step 4: Add a Servlet Class

In this step we will add a servlet to manage guestbook web requests: Open the [Create Servlet] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Package Explorer] window), selecting New ... GuestServlet as the class name - use exactly that case sensitive class name. Click Finish to create the new

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

name - use exactly that case sensitive package name. Click Next to create the new entity class. In ... in the database was created in the project (under Source Packages > guest). Use copy and paste

Step 3: Add a Main Class

[] args) { // Open a database connection // (create a new database if it doesn't exist ... (); emf.close(); } } The main method creates an ObjectDB database file, stores 1000 Point objects

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

name - use exactly that case sensitive package name. Click Next to create the new entity class. In ... the database was created in the project (under Source Packages > guest). Use copy and paste to replace

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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