ObjectDB ObjectDB

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multiple different applications access one odb file

would be for API and BI, one would need to read data from the xyz.odb and the other one would be for exposing the DB data via web services. Do all these apps need to have the same DB schema. The BIRT addon ... would like to use our APP but he asks how the data from the DB can be used to fill its DWH

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

(Groovy 1.8 and Eclipse 3.6) used. I have a com.epimss.lab.data.toxicology.TherapeauticDrugScreenRqst. Nested in this class are the following two classes: com.epimss.lab.data.misc.OtherRqst and com.epimss.lab.data.misc.RequestDateAndNumber. In my Eclipse wizard performFinish() method I persist


an alternative way for deleting entity objects. Unlike SELECT queries, which are used to retrieve data from the database, DELETE queries do not retrieve data from the database, but when executed, delete specified

Chapter 2 - JPA Entity Classes

JPA Entity classes are user defined classes whose instances can be stored in a database. To store data in an ObjectDB database using JPA you have to define entity classes that represent your application data object model. This chapter explains how to define and use entity classes.

Database Connection using JPA

the location of the database file on the server, relative to the server data root path. Connection URL ... database easily is very useful in tests. However, to avoid the risk of losing data - the drop parameter

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

) expressions: c.president == null c.president != null Comparable Data Types Comparison is supported for values of the following data types: Values of numeric types, including primitive types (byte, short


an alternative way of updating entity objects. Unlike SELECT queries, which are used to retrieve data from the database, UPDATE queries do not retrieve data from the database, but when executed, update

General Settings and Logging

data, such as query results that contain millions of objects. The <temp> element specifies temporary ... for data that exceeds a limit size that is specified by the threshold attribute. The mb and kb suffixes

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

transaction. Lines 16-26 The data structure of this program is an ArrayList containing String instances. ObjectDB, as a pure object database, can simply store a memory data structure in the database

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

. This type of viewer is useful for viewing the data of a simple object model. In most cases ... windows using the "File | Refresh Data" menu command. 9.3 Editing the Database The Explorer is usually

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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