ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

) and deploy it from Tomcat's manager, I get a new empty database. I assume there is a way (possibly a simple one) of keeping the existing database and avoid this "database reset". If that's true, I'll be glad to hear about such a solution. Thanks in advanced, Yotam. Yotam Yotam Boaz Where is your database

Queries are slow on a large database

Hi, I have a 12GB database with 787603 entries. It is much larger than usual ... have to scan the entire database file and is not using indexes. Therefore I think I am not doing ... . If you add a new index to an existing database use the Doctor to create a new database in which the index

How force always recreate database on redeployment.

Is there some easy way to force recreation/deletion of the current database on deployment of a web ... . Currently, to avoid multiple models in the database, I have to undeploy from Glassfish, stop the server, delete the database file, re-start the objectdb server, re-run the web app, which is tedious

Database(*.odb) file size on disk

Hello, we have questions about the file size of ObjectDB database on disk. Can you tell ... memory always used by new entities? -Will be the database file automatically reduced? We have created ... are reused but the the file not resized. The database is at the end empty again, but larger than the initial

How to define database structure and insert some initial objects from scratch

the initial database structure of our application? We know objectdb is all about objects and probably doesn't ... jdbc driver for ETL software like Kettle? How about migrating data from another database system? Thanks in advance! josevilla Jose Lora To populate the database you will have to write Java code

unable to update table in slave server database

done in objectdb configuration file. <database> <size initial="256kb" resize="256kb" page="2kb ... " /> </database> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! objdbuser In ObjectDB clusters slave databases ... of the master and the slave database. As slave database is storing data in replication path

Using multiple databases

Is it possible for an ObjectDB PersistenceManger/EntityManager to connect to more than one database at a time? Also, can objects in one database reference objects in another database (e.g. through globally unique identifiers)? jonb Jon Brumfitt You can use as many databases as needed at the same

Database absolute filepath

Is there a line of code that can be used to print out my databases absolute path? I have set it as follows: EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("$objectdb/database/people.odb"); However, the data being shown in \lib\objectdb\database\people.odb is different

Multi-Threading/Distributed-Database Questions...

Greetings ObjectDB team, All below questions assume a very large database (~1,000,000,000 objects ... : Is it true that two read-only JPQL queries accessing the same database file actually run simultaneously ... to use two database files on two different physical hard disks while still being able to cross reference

InternalException - error reading field from "queue" database

I trying to use an objectdb database as a persitent queue but have started getting the following ... a copy of the database which is causing problems. Its 83MB so I cant upload it but you're welcome ... . Running the database through Database Doctor reported no errors. When I try to access this database

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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