ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Different behavior with persist() and queried instances?

: After the commit and persist calls I do close the entity manager so my object gets detached. Between ... the odb specific fields (it is an objectdb.java.util.ArrayList). However, after detaching

Items in list are doubled, when the entity class is not enhanced

instance (which has never been detached). According to JPA - the merge operation is ignored for Customer ... check, so merge is called only on detached entities. If objectdb follows jpa, maybe we should ask jpa

migration path from JPA / Hibernate

writing a small JPA program that retrieves entity objects from Hibernate, detaches ... , detaches them and then persists them using ObjectDB. A tool that can > automate this process

Is it possible to commit only specific elements?

, retrieving only the needed ones, creating new ones (which I want to commit), detaching the ones I've ... to multiple threads. Another option is to detach specific objects from the persistence context

Java 8 Enhancer Problem

. When I fetch, detach, change and merge an object I get the following exception: Caused by: com

Mismatch client-server protocol prefix

= (TrackerUser) q.getSingleResult();         em.detach(result);         return result;     } This code

Import data from MySQL

data from MySQL using JPA as entity objects, detach the retrieved entity objects and then persist


more felixobjectdb Richard Szurgot The exception is thrown during detachment of an object (at the end of commit). Apparently the specific detached object that causes the exception has no id (primary

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflection

.no-detach ! Info: Builder []: Created: com.greensoft.objectdb.test.mini.entity.Project [null](project ... /GreensoftObjectdbTestWebMini.2016-08-16.GS4223.tgz if I set experimental 'objectdb.temp.no-detach' true

ObjectDB 2.0.4

Added support for JTA and Java EE Containers (issue #8). Fixed a bug in indexing entity objects. Fixed a bug in fixing broken references in ObjectDB Doctor. Fixed a bug in modifying enhanced detached embedded objects. Fixed a spring transformer (LoadTimeWeaver) problem. Fixed a class loader issue

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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