ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Query on Embedded Primary Key?

.util.List; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId; import javax ... ();     }             @Embeddable public static class Primkey2 implements Serializable {     public long field1;     public

Some details about db behavior

me with this please link them. Regards vachagan Vachagan If A is an entity class (and not an embeddable class ... ), you should see an A instance in the database. If A is an embeddable class the content of A will be persisted as

select query for a HashMap field of an entity.

I have the following entity. I need the all the MyEntitiy whose MyEntity.Embeddable.PropMap.Key = someValue. Can anybody please help me to get this what should be the query. @Entity class MyEntity { @Embeddable class MyEmbeddable { private HashMap<Long, Properties

A few questions on object database design

everything about the player as embeddable classes. However, my colleague questions about this structure ... of your application. Switching between entity classes and embeddable classes is easy

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.RSV

Support On a side note, in your model PersonalData in defined as an embeddable class ... field. To avoid data duplication consider using Entity instead of Embeddable for this type. support Support

Searching lists within objects

ArrayList<Attribute>(); } @Embeddable class Attribute {     private AttributeType type ... embeddable objects for the search. However, I am not sure if indexes are currently used in

Exception after update of indices of Entity class

<>();     ... } @Embeddable public class Recurrence {     private String recurringEventId = null;     private Event recurringEvent = null;     ... } @Embeddable public abstract class

Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer)

serializable types is not recommended (embeddable classes should be used instead) and is not fully ... all your classes. But if Money is serializable and changing it to embeddable is possible - this is the preferred

NullPointerException when using multithreading

, EmbeddableA> myMap; } @Embeddable public class EmbeddableA { @OneToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private HashMap<String, EmbeddableB> myMap; } @Embeddable public class

JPA Composite Key make Object Db throws "Unexpected exception (Error 990)"

Book { @EmbeddedId BookId id; } @Embeddable Class BookId { Integer bookIdCountry ... ;     }          @Embeddable     public static class MyEntityId {         public EEnum enumeration

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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