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Entity Management Config questions

Hi, the manual states the following regarding config of Entities: http://www.objectdb.com/java/jpa/setting/entities: <cache ref="weak" level2="0mb" /> The <cache> element specifies settings of the two cache mechanisms for entities: The ref attribute specifies the reference type for holding non

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.createNamedQuery(EMImpl.java:809) * entities are not getting persisted ... on the entity class and not the ejb class. So I annoted the Guest class but still called the createNamedQuery from the GuestDAO @Entity @NamedQueries( { @NamedQuery(   name="Guest.findByName


Entities: package com.example.demo; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.HashSet ... .persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import ... ; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Entity @Table(name = "user") public class user implements Serializable

Deadlock, if two threads try to close an entity manager

Hello, we get into a deadlock, if two threads try to close an entity manager. The first thread try to close the entity manager factory which close all opened entity managers. The second thread is triggered by an event and try to close the entity manager after a database access. Both threads keep in

Problem on JPA Merge Entity.

of an entity (statement) with an other entity (newSingleConstraint). newSingleValue is already persisted. I ... and the newSingleValue is present. The entity manager don't link the newSingleValue to the statement when i ... of class in entity domain) sample that highlights the problem. This a little webapp (using Spring

Double persist of Entity field with Cascade.ALL

have a Book class with entity field Chapter which has a CascadeType.ALL property. The Book fields are as ... are created and added to the Book entity ON THE SERVER SIDE, then the Chapter table is OK (no duplicate ... is the modified sample that moves all Entity manipulation code to the Server in Netbeans project

Entity Type is not found (error 301) in Query

This could happen if the entity class is not in the database yet (no instances of that class ... .getMetamodel().entity(User.class); support Support Hi! Thanks for the fast response - fast JPA impl and fast ... entities. Explict call of this method: em.getMetamodel().entity(User.class); before the first query failed

Post-compile enhancement fails when static Log4j 2.5 based logger used in Entity

a non-static logging variable holder can be used in an @Entity. ObjectDB 2.6.3_04 Apache Log4j2 - 2.5 ... an @Entity for a static logger variable: @Entity public class Element extends [] implements ... reason the error is reported on a subtype: @Entity public class SubEntity extends Element

Does aggregate function "greatest" work on entity objects?

Does aggregate function "greatest" work on entity objects? do not come to the function "compareTo" @Entity public class ChatHistoryItem extends AbstractObject implements Comparable { private ... ; } @Override public String toString() { return "granat.dp.domain.entity

No Entity Class API

(mainly entity classes in JPA or persistence capable classes in JDO). Usually ... and should not be bound to specific entity classes and persistent fields. Therefore, an API for accessing ... database with no original classes: Use the Metamodel API to find details on the entity classes in

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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