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Wrong select results

Hello, I got a realy strange SELECT problem. In explorer query "select p from Player p where p.confirmed==false", given me some results with p.confirmed==TRUE. And when I try to do (see image ... .confirmed->false. How so? <odb v2.6.5_05> And this problem not only in explorer mastervoland Vladimir

ObjectDB Unable to process 1.6 L records.

Hi I have a db of around 1.6 lakh records. But now am getting some unexpected error when accessing some of the entities. And when am fetching all the records using objectdb explorer its showing ... . You may try opening a backup of the database file (not in production) in the Explorer of the last ObjectDB version. support Support

ODB should auto-restart if it detects it's necessary

was that ObjectDB Explorer didn't have any problem reading all ExerciseSetResult entities. This error happened just in code or tests, but not through ObjectDB Explorer. I look forward to hearing from

World database - Changing country ID

Hi, I am getting familiar with OpenDB as I am considering using it in some project. I opened Sample world DB in ObjectDB Explorer - and couldn't find my country, as it has invalid id ( ez instead ... the primary key of an existing entity object is not allowed and the Explorer should be fixed

ObjectDB's Database Doctor Incorrect Error Report

Am I reading this correctly? It seems that Doctor is telling me that one of my objects is missing. Looking at the database with ObjectDB's Database Explorer though seems to show that the reference ... Repair is attached. So are the two databases and screenshots of Explorer showing the reference

Database Inconsistency or corruption

, isPersisted:=false ... To confirm that the values are lost, I started the explorer and searched ... the database using the Explorer while the application is running. But I am missing a feature

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Ambiguous entity name

. Still I get this error and in the explorer I can find an entry for this embeddable class. How can I ... . It also now seems to be possible to remove the embeddable class in the explorer. itsme Martin Petzold

Why are my Map entries not stored?

) is stored (I see entries in the Explorer), but there seems to miss the connection. After DB request I can't get it. The 'State' (key) I can get after DB request, but I can't see it in the Explorer. itsme

Table view does not work for queries

to upgrade server too, or is this just the explorer client fix? Trianglehead Json Error I ... and mess with the config files. Then the explorer works. I did not replace the jar files in my production

ObjectDB 2.7.2

" Fixed a bug in displaying inverse (mapped by) relations in the Explorer. Fixed a bug in reusing database ... exception. Fixed reflection mode issues (issue #2086, issue #2087). Fixed an Explorer bug in adding

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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