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how explorer queries work

i'm curious as to how the explorer is able to execute queries when its obviously not aware ... classes is on the server side, not the client side where explorer is running. i can figure ... entities. (obviously the explorer must be doing something like this; correct me if i'm wrong

objectdb explorer in ver 2.2 and 1.0

explorer has lower functionality than in ver 2.2 eg garbarage collector or xml import/export functions ... features of ObjectDB 1.0 Explorer are not implemented yet in ObjectDB 2.2. This is because ObjectDB 2 was written almost from scratch and the old Explorer does not match the new code base

Starting Explorer programmatically

Hi wondering if it's possible to start Explorer from code. Reason: In cases where Gradle is used to manage the ObjectDb jar version, it would be useful to start the explorer from a Groovy script (or ... David Moshal The Explorer is a Java program, so you can simply call its main method from your program

Feature Request: Improved ObjectDB Explorer

ObjectDB explorer is mainly designed as database viewer, not editor. However, I think ... this because although the explorer can edit Collections, it cannot edit Maps...and I have a lot of Maps I need to enter ... with everything! I also miss some things while using ObjectDB Explorer. I'll come with a list soon. zmirc Mircea

DB Explorer and Doctor unable to open DB file

Hi, one of my DB files can not be open by neither DB explorer, nor the DB Doctor. Both are writing ... how to resolve this ? jakab Gergely Jakab The difference between your application and the Explorer/Doctor is that your application has access to all your classes, and the Explorer and Doctor try to work

Using explorer with a live embedded db

I want to use ObjectDB explorer with a running embedded db. This issue: http://www.objectdb.com ... when trying to connect: "...database ... currently in use by another process" I used an explorer ... the correct objectdb.conf file, i.e. the one that is accessed by the Explorer, which many times

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

file is created (in attachement) but I cannot open it with ObjectDB Explorer (Message: "Cannot open ... .java:79) at com.objectdb.Explorer$1.run(Explorer.java:53) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch ... the Explorer. The many-to-many relationship wasn't the problem but the id class. Anyway, build 2.3.4 fixes


. Everything is fine for now, but I have a question about Explorer. It works only in R/O mode, which in some cases is insufficient for effective work. Is there any plan to release a R/W version of Explorer? lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Some Explorer features that were available in ObjectDB 1.0 are temporarily

Stacktrace in Explorer when running query

Hello, whenever I run a query in Explorer I get the following stacktrace (cf. attached file ... mapping entity fields to an Explorer view. Try to remove (or move) the file ~/.objectdb/explorer.xml (which may contain obsolete Explorer view settings) and then restart the Explorer. support Support Hello

[Explorer] Editing Database Files

The new Explorer of ObjectDB 2 is currently a viewer rather than an editor. It always opens databases in a read only mode. The Explorer should support creating and storing new database objects ... that have been supported by the old Explorer of ObjectDB 1. It has been temporarily removed

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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