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replacingByteField(pc, field)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager byte replacingByteField( PersistenceCapable pc, int field ) The replacement value of the field in the calling instance. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number Returns: the new value for the field Since: JDO 1.0

replacingBooleanField(pc, field)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager boolean replacingBooleanField( PersistenceCapable pc, int field ) The replacement value of the field in the calling instance. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number Returns: the new value for the field Since: JDO 1.0

providedByteField(pc, field, currentValue)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void providedByteField( PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue ) The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Since: JDO 1.0

providedBooleanField(pc, field, currentValue)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void providedBooleanField( PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue ) The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Since: JDO 1.0

providedDoubleField(pc, field, currentValue)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void providedDoubleField( PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue ) The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Since: JDO 1.0

providedCharField(pc, field, currentValue)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager void providedCharField( PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue ) The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number currentValue - the current value of the field Since: JDO 1.0

isLoaded(pc, field)

Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager boolean isLoaded( PersistenceCapable pc, int field ) Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance field - the field number Returns: whether the field is cached in the calling instance Since: JDO 1.0


Static Field javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable byte CHECK_READ If jdoFieldFlags for a field includes CHECK_READ, then the field has been enhanced to call the jdoStateManager on read if the jdoFlags setting is not READ_OK or READ_WRITE_OK. Since: JDO 1.0


Static Field javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable byte CHECK_WRITE If jdoFieldFlags for a field includes CHECK_WRITE, then the field has been enhanced to call the jdoStateManager on write if the jdoFlags setting is not READ_WRITE_OK;. Since: JDO 1.0


Static Field javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable byte MEDIATE_WRITE If jdoFieldFlags for a field includes MEDIATE_WRITE, then the field has been enhanced to always call the jdoStateManager on all writes. Since: JDO 1.0

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