ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Schema or odb file compare

Dear Support, is there a way to compare two schemas or odb files? I try to compare two object graphs Thx wua Andreas Wurm This is currently not supported, but you may file a feature request if you need this ability (describing what exactly you expect from this new feature, and how it should work). support Support

Best File system for objectdb

Kadir BASOL We have no such comparison data so we cannot recommend one file system over the other, but apparently the effect of the file system is expected to be small compared to other factors (disk speed, cache size, etc.) support Support

Spring MVC configuration files

Hi!! how are you guys? I have been working with Spring MVC framework and it is really helpful, but now I have a question, as you know Spring MVC framework create by default the xml configuration files and I would like to know if the is a way to create automatic java based configuration file instead

_UserException: Attempt to open a database file '...' that is currently in use

while running the jar file in command line and I got this exception which I have it stack attached ... that the database file is closed by one run before another attempt to access it by another run, or use client-server mode. support Support

Get database schema from objectDB file

I am a little bit confused about that Can someone explain what steps do I have to do in order to get the database schema in java given only the objectdb file? i.e. database.odb ezazop Akis Zazopoulos See the JPA Metamodel API. support Support

embed the .odb file in tomcat webapp container

hi all new at objectdb, just wondering if i put the odb file inside tomcat webapp, how do i change the "$objectdb/db/fm.odb"? thanks macroselfian Jeff liu See this page for details about the ObjectDB home path ($objectdb). support Support

ClassNotFoundException messages in the log file

In the ObjectDB log file, I still see one ClassNotFoundException. Is this to be expected, or do I have another issue I need to correct? [2017-11-03 13:52:01 #18 type.loader] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: String at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader

Exception Failed to read from file

Hello, we have found several these exceptions in our log [ObjectDB 2.5.0_06] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Failed to read from file 'C:\SafeQORS\server\cache\MainORSCache.odb' (error 117 ... .UserException: Failed to read from file 'C:\SafeQORS\server\cache\MainORSCache.odb' at com.objectdb.o

How to check what is taking most space in DB file

Hi, we are using Object DB for quite a while. And some of our DB files are growing to bigger sizes that we would love to. We started to deleting Entity instances which we don't need anymore ... out which entities occupies biggest portion of file space? For example, to be able to see how many space individual

Compare two schemas or odb files

For example, if we make a backup of our database it would be helpful to have the possibility to compare the backup schema (odb file) with the current version in the database and as result we should get the difference between the two schemas. It would also be sufficient, if we can compare object

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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