ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

injection or direct lookup in the JNDI namespace. The persistence context type for the entity manager

Out of memory

.annotation.InjectionMetadata - Processing injected method of bean 'inspirationIndex

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

. You can do that easily by adding a version field to the entity class, so the version number will be injected

Update is ignored by ObjectDB

injection behavior of ObjectDB, however, is only my supposition. For me is important not

Memory leak while merging parent with No Cascade annotation with children

a specialist of java reflection and injection stuff. So i opened a dedicated thread for this problem

On initialisation of lists: impact on migration from EclipseLink to ObjectDB

I would like to draw the attention of those assessing migration from EclipseLink ORM to ObjectDB to a significant difference in the initialization of persistent lists, namely that EclipseLink injects a List implementation into the List field to be initialise it during EntityManager.persist(). So in

system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB GuestDao

has been successfully injected ? (statement : @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em) 2014-09-02T10:50

objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active'

projects easily in a loop; one can't inject with @EJB in a loop. One can also make a build depend

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