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JPA Annotations for Callback Methods

The following annotations can mark methods as JPA callback methods: The Lifecycle Events section of the ObjectDB Manual explains how to use all these annotations on callback methods and with listener classes.

Server Configuration

is listening for new connections. Usually the default port 6136 should be specified. If another port

Database Replication and Clustering

to connect to the master server in order to listen to updates. The updates are automatically

Database Connection using JPA

) and listening on the specified port (the default is 6136 when not specified). The path indicates

JPA Annotations for Classes

JPA defines three types of persistable classes which are set by the following annotations: Chapter 2 of the ObjectDB manual explains these annotations in detail. Entity and mapped super classes can be further configured by annotations that specify cache preferences and lifecycle event listener

Database Server

.Server -conf my_objectdb.conf start The TPC/IP port on which the server listens for new


javax.persistence Annotation EntityListeners Target: Classes Specifies the callback listener ... or mapped superclass. Since: JPA 1.0 Learn how to define and use entity listeners in Chapter 3 of the ObjectDB/JPA manual. Class[] value The callback listener classes The callback listener classes Since: JPA 1.0

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

. The next step is adding a context listener class that will manage a JPA's EntityManagerFactory representing the ObjectDB database.

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

is adding a context listener class that will manage a JPA's EntityManagerFactory representing the ObjectDB database.


to the listener list. Add the specified RegisterClassListener to the listener list. Parameters: crl - the listener to be added Since: JDO 1.0 void addStateInterrogation( StateInterrogation si) Add ... RegisterClassListener from the listener list. Remove the specified RegisterClassListener from the listener list

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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