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quot(x, y)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression<Number> quot( Expression<?> x, Number y ) Create an expression that returns the quotient of its arguments. Parameters: x - expression y - value Returns: quotient Since: JPA 2.0

quot(x, y)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression<Number> quot( Number x, Expression<?> y ) Create an expression that returns the quotient of its arguments. Parameters: x - value y - expression Returns: quotient Since: JPA 2.0


(Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating id numbers from the generator. (Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating id numbers from the generator. Default value: 50 Since: JPA 1.0


Method javax.persistence.TypedQuery TypedQuery<X> setMaxResults( int maxResult ) Set the maximum number of results to retrieve. Parameters: maxResult - maximum number of results to retrieve Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is negative Since: JPA 2.0


sequence numbers from the sequence. (Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating sequence numbers


Method javax.persistence.Query Query setMaxResults( int maxResult ) Set the maximum number of results to retrieve. Parameters: maxResult - maximum number of results to retrieve Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is negative Since: JPA 1.0


: other - the PC instance from which field values are to be copied fieldNumbers - the field numbers ... specified: Number or Character: the parameter must be the single field type or the wrapper class ... to replace the value of the single field identified by number. The owning StateManager uses


of the candidate class that pass the filter. Returns the number of instances of the candidate class that were deleted, specifically not including the number of dependent and embedded instances. Dirty ... whether they were deleted from the datastore. Returns: the number of instances of the candidate class


that pass the filter. Returns the number of instances of the candidate class that were deleted, specifically not including the number of dependent and embedded instances. Dirty instances of affected ... from the datastore. Returns: the number of instances of the candidate class that were deleted Since: JDO 2.0


: the fetch groups Default value: {} Since: JDO 2.1 int fetchSize The number of instances of multi-valued fields retrieved by queries. The number of instances of multi-valued fields retrieved by queries

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