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Have read read the documentation on optimistic locks, still not sure how to deal ... : Optimistic lock failed for object dmoshal David Moshal perhaps I should explain the problem, which is that the optimistic lock exception fails repeatedly once the object is modified from another process. ie

find(entityClass, primaryKey, lockMode, properties)

is pessimistic and the entity has a version attribute, the persistence provider must perform optimistic version ... OptimisticLockException - if the optimistic version check fails PessimisticLockException - if pessimistic locking fails

lock(entity, lockMode)

provider must also perform optimistic version checks when obtaining the database lock ... OptimisticLockException - if the optimistic version check fails PessimisticLockException - if pessimistic locking fails


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void flush() Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect if a transaction is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache with the datastore and reports any exceptions. If an optimistic


might be able to optimize the query execution by ignoring changed values in the cache. For optimistic


in data store transactions; and persistent instances modified in optimistic transactions. Transient

getPersistenceManagerFactory(overrides, name, resourceLoader, pmfLoader)

are standard key names: "javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass" "javax.jdo.option.Optimistic

getObjectById(oid, validate)

in progress, the returned instance will be persistent-clean. If there is an optimistic transaction in


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void flush() Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect if a transaction is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache with the datastore and reports any exceptions. If an optimistic


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager JDOConnection getDataStoreConnection() If this method is called while a datastore transaction is active, the object returned will be enlisted in the current transaction. If called in an optimistic transaction or outside an active transaction, the object returned

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