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applies in addition to any constraint entailed by primary key mapping and to constraints specified ... the mapping for the key column of a map whose map key is a basic type. If the name element is not ... relationship field or property; "_"; "KEY". Example: @Entity public class Item { @Id int id


, Comparable<GenerationType> Defines the types of primary key generation strategies. Since: JPA 1.0 ... must assign primary keys for the entity using a database identity column. Indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using a database identity column. Since: JPA 1.0


get methods) Defines a primary key generator that may be referenced by name when a generator element ... class or on the primary key field or property. The scope of the generator name is global ... to be the generator for primary key values. (Required) A unique generator name that can be referenced by


the primary key of an entity. The field or property to which the Id annotation is applied ... .sql.Date; java.math.BigDecimal; java.math.BigInteger. The mapped column for the primary key of the entity is assumed to be the primary key of the primary table. If no Column annotation is specified


the primary table of the entity that does not own the association. (Optional) The foreign key columns ... which reference the primary table of the entity owning the association. (Optional) The foreign key columns ... of the join table is assumed to be the table names of the associated primary tables concatenated


of the primary key column of the current table. Defaults to the same name as the primary key column of the primary table of the superclass (JOINED mapping strategy); the same name as the primary key column of the primary table (SecondaryTable mapping); or the same name as the primary key column for the table


) The name of the primary key column of the table being joined to. Defaults to the same name as the primary key column of the primary table of the superclass (JOINED mapping strategy); the same name as the primary key column of the primary table (SecondaryTable mapping); or the same name as the primary


. This is needed iff annotating a type where the foreign key is not defined on the primary table ... get methods) Annotation for a database foreign-key. Corresponds to the xml element "foreign-key". Since: JDO 2.1 Column[] columns Columns that compose this foreign key. Columns that compose this foreign key


Since: JDO 2.1 String primaryKey Whether this member is part of the primary key for application identity. Whether this member is part of the primary key for application identity. This is equivalent ... is part of the primary key Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1 int recursionDepth Recursion depth


has no relationship with the values of the primary key fields of the persistence-capable instance ... - the PersistenceCapable class used as the key for lookup. fieldNames - an array of String field names ... to an outside source from the key fields in the ObjectId. Copy fields to an outside source from

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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