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java.lang.ClassCastException in query results

result : results)" line TypedQuery<Stadium> query = em.createQuery( "SELECT Name, Capacity, City FROM Stadium s", Stadium.class); List<Stadium> results = query.getResultList(); for (Stadium result : results) { System.out.println("Name: " + result.Name + ", Capacity: " + result

wrong query result

Hi we have a problem with queries, database is returning wrong results. These are the queries we run from ObjectDB explorer. Query 1 - SELECT MAX(e.generisaniID) FROM AktImpl e – returns string (from ... are a db repair log and a screenshot of queries and results. We will upload the DB through private

Criteria Query results in a NoResultException instead of returning object

._NoResultException: No matching results for a unique query at org.jboss.seam.security.IdentityImpl ... by: com.objectdb.o._NoResultException: No matching results for a unique query at com.objectdb.o.JPE ... (criteria).getSingleResult(); which evaluates to the query: SELECT $1 FROM IdentityObject $1

Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

with two services, it's returned twice (both results contain the same instance). I believe that such query ... on the right-hand side of the join operation are not returned in the query result or ... ") .setParameter("demand", demand).getResultList(); I want this query to find one and only Demand object

@ElementCollection query returning extra result per element in collection

. The issue is that, I'm getting repeated results of the owning entity of an '@ElementCollection ... ) AND (($1.conditionOne=:p2))) Got: 1 results - correct ... .conditionOne=:p3)))) Only expected one result, but got: 2 Again, this is only an engineered test

Query execution creates a wrong result

Hello, we analysed an unexpected behavior and find out that the result of an Query are wrong ... returns an expected result (one Entity). The second Query is the first Query with an additional ... with Version 2.6.6. But we report the BUG, because a wrong Query result is very very Critical


Method javax.jdo.Query void setRange( String fromInclToExcl ) Set the range of results to return ... , :to");. The execution of the query is modified to return only a subset of results. If the filter would normally return 100 instances, and fromIncl is set to 50, and toExcl is set to 70, then the first 50 results

setRange(fromIncl, toExcl)

Method javax.jdo.Query void setRange( long fromIncl, long toExcl ) Set the range of results to return. The execution of the query is modified to return only a subset of results. If the filter ... and the remaining 30 results are ignored. An implementation should execute the query such that the range algorithm


Method javax.jdo.Query void closeAll() Close all query results associated with this Query instance, and release all resources associated with them. The query results might have iterators open on them. Iterators associated with the query results are invalidated: they return false to hasNext() and throw NoSuchElementException to next(). Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.Query void close( Object queryResult ) Close a query result and release any ... on it. Iterators associated with the query result are invalidated: they return false to hasNext() and throw NoSuchElementException to next(). Parameters: queryResult - the result of execute(...) on this Query instance. Since: JDO 1.0

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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