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Possible issue for default id generator

generator when strategy is sequence. Error: Incomplete definition of auto value in field MyTestCase ... and 36: @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE)//, generator="seq") @Id ... there is no default generator but the element generator is optional. Thanks. eurojet P. F. Martinez In

auto-generated uuid fields

Hello, we're porting a JDO application to ObjectDB which uses uuid-hex generated values. However the page on generated values in your JPA tutorial only mentions numeric generated values, and when we try to use it the error message seems to imply that auto-generating strings isn't supported

Primary key generation problem after changing entity package

) @GeneratedValue(generator = "SEQ_BOARD", strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) lwalkowski Lukasz ... _BOARD", allocationSize = 5, initialValue = 1)         @GeneratedValue(generator = "SEQ_BOARD ... .PersistenceException Duplicate definition of generator 'SEQ_BOARD in ' in types 'homplex.boostrap.T719

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

the migration, we're experiencing general performance issues across all transactions. As requested in ... "/> <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="create-or ... enabled in the configuration and post the results: <general> <logger name="*" level="info

EmbeddedId with Generated field value

both solutions I expected I could get a generated value for the field uid by simply adding the documented ... simply a not contemplated future? Slinky Silvio Ornano Automatic generated IDs is currently supported

auto generate timestamp

Hi all, How can I create auto timestamping column? I want the database to generate the timestamp. I tried google but suggested solutions doesn't work in objectDB. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811845/setting-a-jpa-timestamp-column-to-be-generated-by-the-database - Pawel pawel Pawel Hryniszak

Newbie : How to return the auto-generated ID

Hello, I am new to this community, as well as JPA and ObjectDB. I want to read the auto-generated ID when I persist a new entity (with @Id @GeneratedValue annotations applied). I am following ... available earlier (immediately after persist) - you have to switch to sequence or table value generation strategy. support Support

Use of sequences to generate field values in JDO

: No definition of generator 'audit_seq' (referenced by field com.spiffymap.sealog.model.Audit.id) (error 341

Should I be able to persist a JFrame (or gui components in general)?

the interface is not generally enough to define the persistence, 2 things will still be true. First

Post-compile enhancement sometimes causes error in generic loops: incompatible types found: java.lang.Object: required: Entity

build.xml in a NetBeans web app, and sometimes on editing a file that performs a generic for loop over an @entity type I get a generics error. The generic for loop is: for (Steel s: this.steelMaterials ... , which is compromised by this. webel Dr Darren Kelly This rewrite of the generic for loop works

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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