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Indexes broken after schema update.

Anyone else noticed this? I updated an entity Object with some new fields, restarted the database ... persistent fields should not affect indexes and queries, as long as you restart the database server ... after restarting the database server - please provide more details. support Support

JPA - ExceptionInInitializerError when creating EntityManager

my database services. It is successfully connected. Connection is OK. Restart Database server (SQL Server) services on Server. Delete NetBeans configuration's Users directories. Restart Server ... ? Thanks In Advance, GAJESH gajesh Gajesh Tripathi > Restart Database server (SQL Server) services

Activation Issue

with the activation key, but get the same behaviour. It showed up straight after reboot when I restarted ... . <no-such-element> at the beginning of the file) and try restarting the server. If the server starts

Database Files

, but the actual odb file never changes unless I restart the server. The <transaction-id>.odr ... behavior that the file name never changes? It only changes when restart the server? Trianglehead Json

Server connection management

The server does not appear to release broken connections. My typical development pattern is to keep reloading my war file in tomcat until the permgen space runs out, and then I kill and restart ... . Also, how does the client deal with broken connections or server restarts. Does the client

ObjectDB Clustering VS Hadoop Hbase

to change the redundancy of the clustering without restarting. TIA gzdillon Lai Yang Future ObjectDB ... the order of the urls defines the connection priority. No need to restart the master server to add a new

Unexpected exception (Error 990)

an Entity class. After restarting ObjectDB server, it didn't appear anymore. [ObjectDB 2.5.3] Unexpected ... restarting the server, and unfortunately if this is not done then some strange exception as the one in

InternalException when reading a HashMap

the database for all DB files was working well. Today we restarted the app and it threw ... even without the restarting of JVM. Is this wanted behaviour? We'll keep investigating with the broken

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2

to use a new class schema, which the client is unaware to yet. The ObjectDB server must be restarted after a schema change. Do you still get the error after restarting the server? support Support You are right. After I restarted the server the error didn't come up again. Thanks. Would be great

Query fails with failed to read

about this error. support Support we have a possibility to already restart the system this weekend ... ? backup? another application that uses ObjectDB? maybe Jetty restart?). You should try to check ... catch at these levels. Is it possible that the web application was just restarted exactly

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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