ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Undeploying Glassfish web application does not disconnect from ObjectDB

Glassfish3.1.1 Netbeans7.1 ObjectDB 2.3.7_19 If I deploy a web application to Glassfish using ObjectDB as JPA provider, then undeploy, I can't access the database file in the ObjectDB explorer, the explorer claims the database file is being accessed by another process. If I restart Glassfish I

Replication not working anymore

recording on slave server and restarting it. It converts my *.odb to *.odb_nonclosed mastervoland

recovery enabled="false", still creates tablename.odb$ files

Running in embedded mode, configuration specifies "<recovery enabled ="false"... />". Still, tablename.odb$ files get created, and if still present after an abrupt stop, the application will not restart properly. What do we need to do to not utilize recovery files (not have orphan tablename.odb

NPE at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList

server restart. I am closing this issue - reopen it if you have more info. support Support

BIRT Driver Improvements

and restart. support Support hi, Perfect, thank you very much! Now the only point left though is the thing

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

and the recovery file (odb$) after shutdown and before the server was restarted, but if you do have it may help

NullPointerException using with "refresh" method

above. support Support After another restart - by power loss the NPE does not occur. So sometimes it comes

Errors after unexpected server shutdown

After an unexpected server shutdown and restart of our application we have these messages in the log (complete log attached): … [2018-03-26 14:39:30 #1096 store] Request Value: 10:'b61e33d4-8d57-478d-9176-6aa0e2031470' [2018-03-26 14:39:30 #1097 store] *** Attempt to remove a non

Problemss during maven build

that should be returned). Please try again now as we just restarted the server with the fix. Thank you for your report

Improve ObjectDB Server

is unavailable. Currently start/stop/restart messages are printed to the standard output

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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