ObjectDB ObjectDB

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How the sort order (in queries) works for non english letters?

(we are Czech company). How the sort order works for international (for us 'czech') letters? Does ... the database normalized, if possible. Normalizing the strings only during sort is also possible ... of normalizing the strings during sort). support Support How about support for Collation? http

Sorting problem

with sorting. I send you a test case - sorry for using the same project as previous ... "); This query should return all the branches sorted descending, but I get this result: Branch: 100 ... the results were sorted but by using a constant expression ("br.id" is considered as a string

NontransactionalWrite error using Collections.sort .

Hi, i started to use ObjectDB today and i'm having problem using command Collections.sort in persisted object. Attempt to modify an object with no active transaction when NontransactionalWrite ... DB, just sort it to show at the moment. someone can help me ? thanks David Bentolila davidbentolila

Cannot sort descending, when ordering by caluculated float in a method

Cannot sort descending, when ordering by caluculated float in a method

Index Definition

is used as the BTree's primary sort key and which field is used as a secondary sort key. If x ... a more efficient range scan can be performed. ObjectDB also uses indexes for sorting results ... of the scan) thus eliminating the need for a separate sort. Finally, indexes are also used in MIN

Strange Error with Criteria API and Sorting

the sorted results. However, running this with the criteria API produces this error: Caused by: com ... , this is more than a show stopper, we cannot even sort right now!! quasado Alexander Adam A test case

Sort of very large objects - out of memory

Your test demonstrates a limitation of the ObjectDB query processing mechanism in sorting very large ... Message m ORDER by priority DESC, createTime could even be faster if both sort keys

ORDER BY clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

. The following query returns Country objects ordered by currency as the primary sort key and by name as the secondary sort key: SELECT c.currency, c.name FROM Country c ORDER BY c.currency, c.name To avoid

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

, for instance, can be used to retrieve selected objects from the database (using a WHERE clause), sort

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

, sophisticated queries. The results can also be sorted by specified order expressions. Chapter 7

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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