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NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker on NetBeans 7.3 + JBoss 7.1.1

if rebuilding the project and then redeployment solve the problem. You may also try using build time ... Support I rebuilt the project and redeployment several times, but the exception is still there. I added ... you for the update. Build time enhancement is always preferred when possible. support Support

Performance issue in a query due to compareTo calls

.stepNumber = ? Can you explain why the first query needs so much time or do you have a hint ... with the bottlenecks of the query execution. Why the compareTo() calls need so much time? @Entity @Access ... and stepNumber in TCStep. Note that it may take some time for a new index in a large database

Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

% overhead is not reasonable. BTW, the objectdb with images indeed 2 times of the original size ... ? If you have time to follow my codes, then please see through the attachment. For the structure is fixed, I ... and submitting such a test before #18 could save a lot of time. Anyway, thank you for finding

UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

methods are listed in the manual. Build time enhancement is preferred, since it enables deployment ... the development and build environments. support Support Build time enhancement is tricky since the path will change depending on which environment the jar is run on. Load time enhancement isn't

Performance problem

. We have two ObjectDB databases on one ObjectDB server. Production database is running 5-10 times slower than test ... without your entity classes (which we do not have) results in a quick response time of about 100ms for each ... one of our queries EAGER must remain, it is for the Employee query which we make every time we login

Embedded & Activation & Scalation

and do enhance them at runtime, not compile time.. ? Alex quasado Alexander Adam Multiple processes ... , so the enhancement has to be performed before deployment (at compile time). This works well for existing ObjectDB OEM users. It will not work, however, if your object model is unknown at compile time

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

database page may be stored in the file multiple times representing the state of that page in different transactions. support Support If the database stores the pages multiple times, would not it be make ... to this time of instantiation.       */      public MessageImpl() {          super();          this.date

ODB-FileWriter holds unecessary entity reference after transaction and entity manager are closed

at the same time, each with own entitiy manager and open transaction holding a MyStepBlockCollection ... up to lots of different Db files at the same time How many databases? Do you need all of them open at the same time? support Support

ObjectDB enhancement fails on "is" form for @Transient boolean isLoaded(), ok for "getter" form @Transient boolean getLoaded()

javaagent run-time enhancement or post-compile enhancement, and on complete clean and build in ... ) I get at run-time this error (and for every subclass entity): INFO: [2014-11-23 16:54:03 #2 type ... ) { this.loaded = loaded; } I don't have time to offer an isolated test case, but I found

NullPointerException when using multithreading

. However the test code at this time is just storing the integers. CAPdev CAP Dev Your model looks fine ... for your review. Please advise. CAPdev CAP Dev This time it seems that the problem is in the test ... ! ObjectDB is performing very well now that I have adjusted my executor and allowed for enough time

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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