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Auto Date for Creation and Update

Hi, is there a way with objectdb to use annotations so that - automatically - the creation Date gets updated once only and the change Date on each change? It seems for hibernate there Are annotations ... tlehmann Thomas Lehmann You may be able to update these time/date fields in a JPA lifecycle event

Intermittent Exception "Attempt to update types in read only mode"

" [ObjectDB 2.4.1_06] javax.persistence.PersistenceException Attempt to update types in read only mode (error ... .java:48) Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Attempt to update types in read only mode

Multiple Collection Fields not update correctly

get the following. I looked at my getters setters and they are fine, since persist works. But when updating(merging

Getting Unexpected internal exception when updating entity in MEM db

.EMImpl.merge(EMImpl.java:307) at org.vn.radius.cc.server.db.RtDB.Update(RtDB.java:101) ... 10

Update Entity references if we change the type of an entity

as dirty and changes will be committed. So after the database update your application can be used

Schema Update: class hierarchy change

that should fix this issue. support Support Thanks for the Update. Now it works. How can data be saved

schema update procedure

Is there a specific procedure that we should follow when making schema updates? I have often found that it takes several restarts of the the server to complete the change. The issue is that there may be changes in many places. Each change appears to be applied as the class is first encountered

Indexes broken after schema update.

Anyone else noticed this? I updated an entity Object with some new fields, restarted the database to pick up the new schema and now none of the indexes work, except the @Id. I can query by any field that is not indexed on the existing Object but as soon as I try and query against a field

JPQL Update & Delete (JPA 1.0)

JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) supports updating and deleting database objects by queries. Currently ObjectDB supports only JPQL SELECT (retrieval) queries. Delete queries are supported ... one of the next builds. support Support Implementation of both DELETE and UPDATE queries was added in build 2.2.3_03. support Support

Indexes broken after schema update

, when new fields were added, whether or not the entity was updated, etc.). support Support I'll dig

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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