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Unable to update a OneToMany Set

of the explorer view. Hope can help me. Thanks in advice. Byee ;) elnll002 Facundo Curti By closing

New to Product & Having An Issue

test, createDepartment() succeeds, and I can view the Department object in the database

DB Doctor sets type to "unknown" for new fields

RecordingMetaData AS r In addition, the entity class schema shows the Boolean type, as well as when you view

persitencia (Preguntas y respuestas)

. To view a table order by a field use an ORDER BY query. Query execution will be faster in the field

Great product - needs better marketing - more popularity

other, quality and popularity. What is your view on this? zmirc Mircea Chirac I'd like to add my good experience

osx menu item about window

osx menu item (for starting/stopping server, viewing config files, data roots, etc) is extremely useful. However, currently the about box doesn't show the current jar version of the server (and with rapid updates, it's difficult to know which version of the server is currently running, and track

Eager load Map

I'm having an issue eager loading a nested map. I've attached @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) attributes to no avail. If the map is viewed in the debugger or force iterated in the code it loads ok. The attached code attempts to replicate the scenario. Its not an exact match but is the best I

ObjectDB 2.8.6

Fixed an issue with viewing class Ids in the Explorer (see issue #2677). Fixed a regression bug (in version 2.8.5) in using AS in JOIN (issue #2666). Fixed a connection pool issue related to memory release (issue #2663). Fixed an Enhancer issue in supporting Java 9 modules and packages (issue #2657

Lazy retrieval by access not working correctly

is loaded if you view the map in the debugger, or if your application accesses keys and values in the map. support Support

Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST

. It is only 1 instance of EMF as seen in the better view I uploaded in this reply. So the question

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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