ObjectDB ObjectDB

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disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

Hi, i am using objectdb (version 2.6.8) in embedded mode. I deployed an .ear project in glassfish. When I attempt to call the database I get several exceptions. As an example consider the following ... jars, maybe of another JDO implementation in your web application or class path. support Support Hi

Cannot initialize db after inserting a java.util.List

conflict issue when using ObjectDB with GWT in hosted mode. It might be related to the embedded Jetty web ... - could you please upload a simple GWT project that demonstrates the problem? support Support

there is a free version?

when I run my project from eclipse the console ask me, besides username and password, the license key, but I want to use it for free. How can I do? unozer asd Please check what exactly ... (which is not needed for free users) rather than your main class or your web application. support Support

TypedQuery implementation problems

Hi everyone, I'm having problems. I have implemented TypedQuery in a module of my web system and everything works perfectly. but when making another module and implementing TypedQuery ... ; TypedQuery<Budget> query = em.createQuery( "select new com.javatmp.module.project

Problems using Maven Repo

that tells me that Entity Class will be ignored. ../WEB-INF/lib/objectdb-2.6.2.jar' contains ... >system</scope> <systemPath>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/mahi/objectdb/objectdb.jar</systemPath

BIRT plugin: Trouble with Client/Server connection

Reports is an implementation of the Eclipse BIRT framework (BIRT) specialized to the MyEclipse web project conventions....." blah..blah..blah.. "- MyEclipse JDBC driver-based datasources replace ODA

JBoss 7.1 and EAP 6 support

, let me just state that my project will need to go live in about 4 weeks. I have tried ObjectDB ... - you will have to: Add ObjectDB as a module to JBoss (instead of putting objectdb.jar in the web application

How to use ObjectDB properly in spring boot application?

described in https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-jpa/) I had a research on the web ... -accessing-data-jpa/zip/main. Inside it, there two projects, I opened "complete" subfolder in intellijidea

Problem using Maven Repository - Enitiy Class will be ignored

. ../WEB-INF/lib/objectdb-2.6.2.jar' contains offending class: javax.persistence.Entity ... >system</scope> <systemPath>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/mahi/objectdb/objectdb.jar

Post-compile enhancement sometimes causes error in generic loops: incompatible types found: java.lang.Object: required: Entity

I have moved from automatic run-time enhancement to explicit post-compile enhancement in an Ant build.xml in a NetBeans web app, and sometimes on editing a file that performs a generic for loop ... ()) { The workaround is to simply clean and build the entire project, which is quite tedious and time

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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