javax.jdo.spi.JDOPermission - JDO class

Class JDOPermission

Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard
The JDOPermission class is for operations that are reserved for JDO implementations and should not be called by other code. A JDOPermission is a named permission and has no actions. There are two names currently defined. Each named permission has a corresponding public static final field which contains an instance of the named permission.

The following table provides a summary description of what each named permission allows, and discusses the risks of granting code the permission.

Permission Target Name What the Permission Allows Risks of Allowing this Permission
setStateManager This allows setting the StateManager for an instance of PersistenceCapable. The StateManager has unlimited access to get and set persistent and transactional fields of the PersistenceCapable instance. This is dangerous in that information (possibly confidential) normally unavailable would be accessible to malicious code.
getMetadata This allows getting metadata for any PersistenceCapable class that has registered with JDOImplHelper. This is dangerous in that metadata information (possibly confidential) normally unavailable would be accessible to malicious code.
manageMetadata This allows managing metadata for any PersistenceCapable class that has registered with JDOImplHelper. This is dangerous in that metadata information (possibly confidential) normally unavailable would be manageable (modifiable) by malicious code.
closePersistenceManagerFactory This allows closing a PersistenceManagerFactory, thereby releasing resources. This is dangerous in that resources bound to the PersistenceManagerFactory would be releaseable by malicious code.
JDO 1.0
See Also:
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for closePersistenceManagerFactory permission checking.
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for closePersistenceManagerFactory permission checking.
JDO 1.0.1
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for getMetadata permission checking.
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for getMetadata permission checking.
JDO 1.0
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for manageMetadata permission checking.
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for manageMetadata permission checking.
JDO 1.0.2
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for setStateManager permission checking.
An instance of JDOPermission to be used for setStateManager permission checking.
JDO 1.0
JDOPermission(String name)
Constructs a JDOPermission with the specified name.
Constructs a JDOPermission with the specified name.
name - the name of the JDOPermission
JDO 1.0
JDOPermission(String name, String actions)
Constructs a JDOPermission with the specified name and actions.
Constructs a JDOPermission with the specified name and actions. The actions should be null; they are ignored. This constructor exists for use by the Policy object to instantiate new Permission objects.
name - the name of the JDOPermission
actions - should be null.
JDO 1.0
String getName()
String toString()
void checkGuard(Object arg0)
arg0 -
boolean equals(Object arg0)
arg0 -
String getActions()
int hashCode()
boolean implies(Permission arg0)
arg0 -
PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection()